I just upgraded Zoneminder from 1.30.4 to 1.32.3 under Ubuntu 16.04.6. There are a lot of rendering problems and the major change is whenever I click on a video cam name from the console, I don't get a new window. I run this under mRemoteNG and I can't force it to open a new window, only send to system browser.
In the console, clicking "Add" does nothing. If I have a camera selected via the checkbox on the far right, "Edit," "Delete," and "Select" don't register as a click. My window size under mRemoteNG won't allow me to see the checkboxes and even if I resize the text using Ctrl-{scrollwheel}, they don't come into view, and there's no horizontal scrollbar.
I tried to use the dark css but they don't seem to work either.
What can I do to fix? Here are some screenshots of the rendering issues. https://imgur.com/a/GeJtG2I
I just upgraded using
Code: Select all
add-apt-repository ppa:iconnor/zoneminder-1.32
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade