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VStarCam C-16s

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:03 pm
by pmeyland

I have a system running on Fedora 30 with ZoneMinder 1.32.3, downloaded and installed by DNF via Fedora standard repository. Until now everything has been working perfectly, but my garden camera just died due to water / rain :-( I just purchased a new camera, a VStarCam C-16s and the camera has a nice picture, if I'm jusing the Eye4 app on my phone.

I have found some URLs from the camera where I can get som video streams:
  • Main Stream: 1080p (1920X1080)@15fps rtsp://admin:Password@
  • Sub Stream: 360p ( 640X 360)@15fps rtsp://admin:Password@
  • Third Stream: 180p ( 320X 180)@10fps rtsp://admin:Password@
And all 3 streams are working if I use VideoLAN. But, when I trying the same URLs in ZoneMinder, I can't get any data from the camera. In the General tab I have Ffmpeg as Source Type and in the Source tab I have entered one of the three URLs and selected UDP as Method. The only thing I get, if I look at the data from the camera in ZoneMinder, is a broken image, and, of course, a lot of entries in the log:
2019-11-21 15:00:43 zms_m4 29675 ERR Unable to connect to zmc process for monitor 4 zms.cpp 254
2019-11-21 15:00:43 zms_m4 29675 ERR Unable to connect to monitor id 4 for streaming zm_stream.cpp 48
2019-11-21 15:00:43 zms_m4 29675 ERR Got empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running? zm_monitor.cpp 538

Any help is appreciated


Re: VStarCam C-16s

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 4:05 pm
by CountyLine
The camera's setup options seem very limited and appear to require the manufacturers' cell phone app. The camera's manual (available on the manufacturer's website) doesn't indicate that it has a web server on port 80. What happens if you point a browser at

Re: VStarCam C-16s

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 4:20 pm
by pmeyland
As a test I gave the camera a fixed IP address and a fixed port (port 8080). If I point the prowser to I get a response:
picture 1.PNG
picture 1.PNG (21.61 KiB) Viewed 2728 times
If I go to the network setup screen (not on above picture) I get this:
picture 2.PNG
picture 2.PNG (48.53 KiB) Viewed 2728 times
I have tried the RTSP URL, with and without a username and password in the URL. It does not work if i does not add usernavn / password, so my RTSP URL are: http://admin:PassWord@ This URL are working in VideoLAN, so it must be correct

Re: VStarCam C-16s

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 4:54 pm
by CountyLine
Well, that's positive. I suspect it is just a matter of your getting your settings just right in ZM. Unfortunately, I changed to version 1.33.14 which has the settings arranged (and named) differently than the version you are running, and I don't remember how 132.x was done, so can't advise further.

Hopefully, somebody with 132.x knowledge will come along soon to help.

Re: VStarCam C-16s

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:55 pm
by snake
Try LibVLC source type. Try Remote source type.

I 'think' based off of the wiki install guide for LibVLC that you need to do the following to install it (if it isn't an option in 1.32 by default).

Code: Select all

apt-get install vlc libvlc-dev libvlccore-dev

Re: VStarCam C-16s

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:12 pm
by pmeyland
I'm sorry, it was my own fault. I did not start the capturing process for the camera :oops: