Setup/Configuration Issue - Live View Localhost, not on others
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 7:15 am
I am trying to finish configuring Zoneminder 1.32.3 on 18.04 Xubuntu, which seems to be a butchered upgrade from zoneminder 1.28 & 14.04 Xubuntu. I included more detailed notes about the INSTALLATION HISTORY further below. After I setup my 2 monitors, I needed to add a server because there wasn’t one in the Options - Servers.
Is this normal on setup to add the server or should there have been a default server when first installing Zoneminder 1.32.3? It seemed like I had an issue at the end of the easy installation when the instructions said to change Options - Path: PATH_ZMS is set to /zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms
I couldn’t find that until I added a server and found it. Once I added the ‘/zm’ to the string then I had LIVE streaming in Montage Review.
I also checked in the ‘hints’ the ScriptAlias /zm/cgi-bin "/usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin" in the /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/zoneminder.conf file and it looked to be correct.
The 2nd issue is I cannot see live streaming video from a different computer on my home LAN pointing to the local machine with a browser pointed to I can see live streaming video from the local machine when using localhost/zm. I can also change options from the remote computer.
Events appears to be working - I have both cameras setup as Modect. I can select history in Montage Review and move my cursor to an event and view it. This works from a remote computer.
A WARNING? I also have this:
WAR is not found in the servers list /usr/share/zoneminder/www/Includes/functions.php 63. This warning came when I viewed the LOG from the remote computer. If I close the log window in the remote computer, then it goes away.
My PC is an older compact HP-7800p w/ a duo core 2 at 2.33Ghz and 4 Gb Ram. The harddrive is about 2.68 TB.
Qty 2 hikvision cameras. I did the memory calcs in the wiki and using about .43Gb of Ram for the 2 cameras. Since I have live streaming and can see history, they seem to be setup adequately enough. I verified width/height in monitor setup to the cameras, etc.
In March of 2016, I installed 1.28 zoneminder on 14.04 Xubuntu with 2 Hikvision cameras. I recall seeing camera video output, but not sure if the video was visible in zoneminder (I think so) and the project sat on a desk (ugh!) until December 2019. Since versions of Ubuntu and Zoneminder have changed I upgraded to 18.04 Xubuntu and then followed the easy installation of zoneminder to 1.32. I didn’t do an ‘upgrade’ and when I tried to setup zoneminder, that installation had the same ERR Invalid skin css ‘flat’ error and another warning:
4471 WAR Cannot write to content dirs('/var/cache/zoneminder/events','/var/cache/zoneminder/images'). Check that these exist and are owned by the web account user /usr/share/zoneminder/www/index.php 169
I decided that my install ‘wasn’t done right’ and wanted to wipe the install and try again so I did remove, purge, autoremove steps for Zoneminder, Apache2, and mysql.
Zoneminder viewtopic.php?t=26129
Apache ... ng-apache2
Mysql Run service stop first.
When I did the purging and then the easy installation of zoneminder, I ran into a javascript-common issue w/ dpkg, that prevented the zoneminder from installing. I was able to solve that and zoneminder finally installed.
One thing that is confusing (seems not right) is that my password for mySQL is the same password I had when I did the 1.28 Zoneminder on Xubuntu 14.04. I thought my remove/purge steps would have started over, but I guess not.
live veiw YES on localhost, NO on others
Options - Servers ... rvers.html
ERR Disappeared??
In my LOG, I was getting an ERR Invalid skin css ‘flat’ setting to base /usr/share/zoneminder/www/index.php 107. It's not there any longer - it just went away (yah, I guess).
I tried the solution here with no success:
The first problem is that the zmcustom.conf file referred to isn’t in the/etc/conf.d/zmcustom.conf folder but in the /etc/zm/conf.d/zmcustom.conf folder. The 2nd problem is that when I finally found the file located it was already changed to the correct path (ZM_PATH_ZMS=/cgi-bin/nph-zms). I did change it to /zm/cgi-gin/nph-zms and it didn’t seem to change anything so changing it back to /cgi-gin/nph-zms.
Is this normal on setup to add the server or should there have been a default server when first installing Zoneminder 1.32.3? It seemed like I had an issue at the end of the easy installation when the instructions said to change Options - Path: PATH_ZMS is set to /zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms
I couldn’t find that until I added a server and found it. Once I added the ‘/zm’ to the string then I had LIVE streaming in Montage Review.
I also checked in the ‘hints’ the ScriptAlias /zm/cgi-bin "/usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin" in the /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/zoneminder.conf file and it looked to be correct.
The 2nd issue is I cannot see live streaming video from a different computer on my home LAN pointing to the local machine with a browser pointed to I can see live streaming video from the local machine when using localhost/zm. I can also change options from the remote computer.
Events appears to be working - I have both cameras setup as Modect. I can select history in Montage Review and move my cursor to an event and view it. This works from a remote computer.
A WARNING? I also have this:
WAR is not found in the servers list /usr/share/zoneminder/www/Includes/functions.php 63. This warning came when I viewed the LOG from the remote computer. If I close the log window in the remote computer, then it goes away.
My PC is an older compact HP-7800p w/ a duo core 2 at 2.33Ghz and 4 Gb Ram. The harddrive is about 2.68 TB.
Qty 2 hikvision cameras. I did the memory calcs in the wiki and using about .43Gb of Ram for the 2 cameras. Since I have live streaming and can see history, they seem to be setup adequately enough. I verified width/height in monitor setup to the cameras, etc.
In March of 2016, I installed 1.28 zoneminder on 14.04 Xubuntu with 2 Hikvision cameras. I recall seeing camera video output, but not sure if the video was visible in zoneminder (I think so) and the project sat on a desk (ugh!) until December 2019. Since versions of Ubuntu and Zoneminder have changed I upgraded to 18.04 Xubuntu and then followed the easy installation of zoneminder to 1.32. I didn’t do an ‘upgrade’ and when I tried to setup zoneminder, that installation had the same ERR Invalid skin css ‘flat’ error and another warning:
4471 WAR Cannot write to content dirs('/var/cache/zoneminder/events','/var/cache/zoneminder/images'). Check that these exist and are owned by the web account user /usr/share/zoneminder/www/index.php 169
I decided that my install ‘wasn’t done right’ and wanted to wipe the install and try again so I did remove, purge, autoremove steps for Zoneminder, Apache2, and mysql.
Zoneminder viewtopic.php?t=26129
Apache ... ng-apache2
Mysql Run service stop first.
When I did the purging and then the easy installation of zoneminder, I ran into a javascript-common issue w/ dpkg, that prevented the zoneminder from installing. I was able to solve that and zoneminder finally installed.
One thing that is confusing (seems not right) is that my password for mySQL is the same password I had when I did the 1.28 Zoneminder on Xubuntu 14.04. I thought my remove/purge steps would have started over, but I guess not.
live veiw YES on localhost, NO on others
Options - Servers ... rvers.html
ERR Disappeared??
In my LOG, I was getting an ERR Invalid skin css ‘flat’ setting to base /usr/share/zoneminder/www/index.php 107. It's not there any longer - it just went away (yah, I guess).
I tried the solution here with no success:
The first problem is that the zmcustom.conf file referred to isn’t in the/etc/conf.d/zmcustom.conf folder but in the /etc/zm/conf.d/zmcustom.conf folder. The 2nd problem is that when I finally found the file located it was already changed to the correct path (ZM_PATH_ZMS=/cgi-bin/nph-zms). I did change it to /zm/cgi-gin/nph-zms and it didn’t seem to change anything so changing it back to /cgi-gin/nph-zms.