aarch64 RPM support available in ZMRepo

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aarch64 RPM support available in ZMRepo

Post by knight-of-ni »

As you may know, nightly builds are available from zmrepo.zoneminder.com

Since Redhat officially supports aarch64 on Fedora and el8, I have modified our nightly build system to crank these packages out, in addition to x86_64 and armv7hl packages.

This should be considered experimental, and I don't have any hardware in production that uses these packages.

This could make a good blog for someone willing to put aarch64 Fedora or CentOS 8 on their favorite single board computer, then run ZoneMinder on it.
Visit my blog for ZoneMinder related projects using the Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Odroid, and the ESP8266
All of these can be found at https://zoneminder.blogspot.com/
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