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Disk filling up

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:36 pm
by bignellrp
I tried -3 days and delete all events but the disk continues to fill up. I keep having to manually go and delete the events folders from the server. The filter finds events and seems to be clearing from the dB but I’m not sure it’s deleting them from the server.

I tried -1 days and it’s the same.

Re: Disk filling up

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:48 am
by lbm
Is your question, why the disk fills up, or if the filter is not working ?

I have mine set to "-N day" NOT "-n days" , not sure if this makes a difference.
Secondly, I have mine set to "alarm frames, less than or equal to"


Re: Disk filling up

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:24 pm
by bignellrp
I tried day and days its still not deleting them from the disk so its filling up.

If i set to alarm frames i get zero matches.

Upgraded to 1.34 but still the same.

As you can see there are folders more than 3 days old containing events.

Could it be permissions? www-data

Re: Disk filling up

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:29 pm
by bignellrp
Ok, i think i may have solved this although its not tested until the 2 days go past.

I moved one of the cameras to different storage and noticed that after 2 days the delete seemed to be working.

The difference was the new storage folder had symlinks for the name of the camera


Kitchen -> /home/username/zm/events/7

In the original folder these were missing. I think i may have deleted them by mistake when i was manually clearing the old olds when my original filter didnt work.

When i had fixed the filter syntax the filter couldnt delete the old data and only cleared the db entry for the event.

I'll confirm after 2 days if indeed the problem is resolved.

Re: Disk filling up

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:04 pm
by iconnor
If the filter is only deleting the db entry then you have Options -> System -> OPT_FAST_DELETE checked. Uncheck it.

You probably do not want the filter to run concurrently.
The symlinks don't matter, they are for silly humans to use, ZM doesn't use them.

Re: Disk filling up

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 9:25 am
by bignellrp
I checked that checkbox and fast delete is not selected and if symlinks make no difference maybe I have a different issue.

Like I said the other storage areas seem to be working so I have moved to them for now. I will let you know how I get on after 2 days.

Ps I have unchecked run concurrently. Out of interest what does that do?