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ZM 1.34.9 missing perl5.30 module

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 4:22 pm
by dhenzler
I've been fighting my way to get ZM working. Fixed mount points now hate zmNinja error, and am also missing Seems odd that a plugin such as this would be missing anything and be published.

If anyone has a simple way to get the module, I think I can get it installed.

Re: ZM 1.34.9 missing perl5.30 module

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 12:08 am
by iconnor
For those wondering just what is going on here, this is the api not working in a freenas jail.

I don't even know who is responsible for the freenas plugin. I may be able to find someone at freenas to talk to but it would be better if someone else had some advice as I don't run freenas and don't have much time to figure it out.

Re: ZM 1.34.9 missing perl5.30 module

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 9:29 am
by MyCameras
I had the same missing pl if you running on Centos 8 install PowerTools then install Perl and it installs the module.