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Help cleaning up my mess (Delete old events)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:38 pm
by ~Rob
When I was setting up ZoneMinder I had my HD streams set to record all the time. I've now set those streams to only record motion I've got ~100Gb of video to delete.

I've tried setting up an ad-hoc filter to delete them, but when I press executeI get some errors in the log. Full disclocure: I deleted some files from disk rather than through ZoneMinder.

Filter is:
Monitor Id equal to 3
AND Start Date less than or equal to 2020-06-04
Checked options:
Update used disk space
Delete all matches
Run filter in background

I've confirmed the quick delete option in the settings is disabled.

Errors in the log include:

Code: Select all

2020-06-08 21:26:31	zmfilter_8		360104	WAR	Not deleting event because storage path doesn't exist
And for other filters I'm seeing:

Code: Select all

DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /Media/CCTV/4/2020-06-07/7922:ZoneMinder::Event: Cause => Continuous DefaultVideo => 7922-video.mp4 EndTime => 2020-06-07 23:30:09 Height => 480 Id => 7922 Length => 91.37 MonitorId => 4 Name => Event- 7922 Orientation => ROTATE_0 Scheme => Medium StartTime => 2020-06-07 23:28:38 StateId => 1 StorageId => 2 Videoed => 1 Width => 640
/Media/CCTV is a CIFS share via autoFS. I can delete files from the share via the command line. The event at the path in the second log doesn't exist on disk.

The monitors all have the external mountpoint set under the storage option.

If I could get some advice on the first error it would be much appreciated.

For the second error I assume I need to delete rows from the database, which I'm happy doing if there's a way to identify the events which don't exist. I'm familiar with databases and can write queries as needed, I just need to know where to look.