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Event Notification Server deletes recordings

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:55 pm
by benjalien
Hi there!
I'm loving ZM more and more, still I have an issue that drives me crazy. It's about the vent notification server, so sorry if this is not the best place to ask for help.
Since I installed the Event Notification Server:
-I have notifications on my smartphone
-These notifications detect humans and cars
-All my recordings get deleted after a few seconds: they're created, I can see them in the Web interface and on my fileserver, but they disappear.

My theory is the ZM does it's job (pretty well), but the the event server removes the recordings because it considers tem irrelevant - but why does it then highlights cars and humans???

Thanks for helping me out here :)

Re: Event Notification Server deletes recordings

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 8:04 pm
by benjalien
Hi there!
I'm just answering myself as I found the issue... one of my storages is over 95% full so ZM deletes the events to save some space (even if my other storage has gigs free).

Sorry for this waste of time, maybe my mistake will help someone sometime :facepalm: