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ipcam C9F0SgZ3N0P8L0 control missing!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:16 pm
by stonygate
I need help creating pan / tilt commands for an ipcam.
I loaded the netcat control, with it I can move the dome, but I can't stop the action! can someone help me?
This is error:

Code: Select all

After sending PTZ command, camera returned the following error:'400 Bad Request'MSG:<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><Stop xmlns=""><ProfileToken>user=admin&pwd=admin</ProfileToken><PanTilt>true</PanTilt><Zoom>false</Zoom></Stop></s:Body></s:Envelope>Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:e="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:xmime="" xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xop="" xmlns:tt="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:wstop="" xmlns:tds="" xmlns:tan="" xmlns:trt="" xmlns:tev="" xmlns:tptz="" xmlns:timg="" xmlns:ter="" xmlns:tmd="" xmlns:hikwsd="" xmlns:hikxsd="" ><s:Body><s:Fault><s:Code><s:Value>s:Receiver</s:Value><s:Subcode><s:Value>ter:ActionNotSupported</s:Value></s:Subcode></s:Code><s:Reason><s:Text xml:lang="en">Action Not Implemented</s:Text></s:Reason></s:Fault></s:Body></s:Envelope>
The dome is C9F0SgZ3N0P8L0

Re: ipcam C9F0SgZ3N0P8L0 control missing!

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:53 pm
by stonygate
In settings camera i see pleco-d for command camera, if I use the pleco-d system I don't get the desired results.
Can you help me?