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Ubuntu - How to draw the zone box???

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:18 pm
by JavaBen
I've searched, but all the documentation assumes I know how to draw the alarm zone, so it's not defined.

I saw one document that said: "I use a mac - I simply hit Cmd+Shift+4 - that brings up a screen capture cross hair and as I draw the box, I see its width and height."

How does one draw a box in Ubuntu, or Linux (no Mac) on the image of the monitor in Zones?


Re: Ubuntu - How to draw the zone box???

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:57 pm
by GivingItMyBest
When you click add new zone, it should have the entire box highlighted in RED, with 4 green dots in each corner. You can move these dots to draw the box; and at the bottom of the page you will see where each dot has it's x and y coordinates, and next to each is a plus and a minus sign. If you need a shape other than square, you can add points in between existing points and then move those. If you hover over the green dots, they will tell you what point/vertex number they are so you can see which two points you need to add between.

Re: Ubuntu - How to draw the zone box???

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:03 pm
by JavaBen
You are exactly right!

I was zoomed out too far to see the green dots!
