Recently I added a a USB cam to monitor the room of the ZM server.
On the same machine I run a VirtualBox VM which I restart twice a day.
I noticed that every few day one of the restarts of the VM fails.
Sometimes the manual restart is successful but some also fail with VM freezing.
I noticed that when that happens the USB camera is also not working.
If I disable the USB camera the VM boots up with no issues and after that the monitor also can be restarted.
I run the USB cam in modect and its the video0 feed.
Any ideas whats happening.
If I cannot fix it (find the cause) I will write a script o turn the monitor to NONE and back to modect while in between I restart my VM.
Not sure if this is a ZM issue of a USB cam or even a VM issue so any idea will be helpful.
zm: 1.34.21
linux mint 19.3
VM 6.1
USB cam and VM freeze
- bkjaya1952
- Posts: 282
- Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:24 pm
- Location: Sri Lanka
Re: USB cam and VM freeze
May be the USB Camera ( /dev/video0) is being used by another program when you try to start the VM