DiskSpace: Event does not exist at*
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:54 am
DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events2/1/2020-10-13/115752:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 37 AvgScore => 6 Cause => Motion DefaultVideo => 115752-video.mp4 EndTime => 2020-10-13 17:55:06 Frames => 135 Height => 1536 Id => 115752 Length => 7.61 MaxScore => 8 MonitorId => 1 Name => Event- 115752 Notes => Motion: Main Orientation => ROTATE_180 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Medium StartTime => 2020-10-13 17:54:59 StateId => 1 TotScore => 230 Width => 2048
Getting multiple of these errors. I have checked the Storage Path in settings, and it matches what is in ZM_Storage.conf
Also checked that all of the monitors are set to the correct Storage Path. Any ideas would be helpful. I am on version 1.34.21.
Getting multiple of these errors. I have checked the Storage Path in settings, and it matches what is in ZM_Storage.conf
Also checked that all of the monitors are set to the correct Storage Path. Any ideas would be helpful. I am on version 1.34.21.