Getting lots of these in my log.
Code: Select all
2021-02-07 15:16:21 zmfilter_3 2650 ERR Unable to send email: Net::CMD (Net::SMTP) DATAEND command failed.Last server message was:5.3.4 Error: message file too bigThis probably represents a problem with newline encoding at /usr/bin/ line 856.
Sending manually through Postfix from the CLI works fine.
The message on the Email Tab is :-
Code: Select all
An alarm has been detected on your installation of the ZoneMinder.
The details are as follows :-
Monitor : %MN%
Event Id : %EI%
Length : %EL%
Frames : %EF% (%EFA%)
Scores : t%EST% m%ESM% a%ESA%
This alarm was matched by the %FN% filter and can be viewed at %EPS%