Changes since 1.34.*
- Moved event email options from global config to per Filter
- Added user to run filter as, so that users without access to certain monitors can't just use a filter to access them.
- Filters now have PreSQL and PostSQL conditions. The first Post SQL condition is ExistsInFileSystem. This can be used to cleanup after a crash instead of using zmaudit.
- warnings on Filter edit page when you create a filter than can delete archived events.
- Added Auto Unarchive function
UI Updates
- bootstrap updated to version 3
- removed mootools
- events list now uses bootstrap-table to enable a more modern powerful ui
- scaled thumbnail on mouseover on events list
- thumbnails with scaling on console
- frames view updates to include stats information
- many popups turned into modals
- monitor edit is now a full view instead of popup
- Zone edit is now scaled so high res cameras don't take the entire screen or more.
- Added Estimated RAM use to Buffers tab in Monitors.
- Monitor edit no longer form submits/reloads between tabs it just hides/unhides tabs using bootstrap nav.
- Monitors can now have Latitude/Longitude associated and displayed on a map
- New Monitor type VNC for recording desktops
- better use of scaling when streaming to reduce bandwidth/cpu use
- dynamic loading of vlc, curl and other libraries that might not be used. Saves ram
- ONVIF probe can now select a network to scan
- Sessions now stored in database
- Event Summary tables reorganized to improve locking performance
- Clicking on username in header will now list other logged in users if you have SystemView permission.
- ZoneMinder will now try other Storage Areas if it can't create the event in the assigned area.
- New Monitor Setting: Decoding Enabled/Disabled
- /dev/shm mmap use decoupled from image buffering. You should set ImageBufferCount to 3 or larger.
- mp4v2 deprecated and removed.
- zma process has been turned into a thread of zmc.
- Added second ffmpeg input stream for when audio is coming from another source.
- added RTSP re-streaming
- hwaccel encoding support for intel vaapi and nvenc
- Use onmousedown/onmouseup for PTZ start/stop in PTZ controls. Amcrest is the only Protocol that supports it so far.
Full Changelog
Released 1.36.0 The Memory Remains
Re: Released 1.36.0 The Memory Remains
Packages are just starting to roll out now.
For ubuntu, since this is a new stable release, it has a new ppa. You will have to add it to get the update.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:iconnor/zoneminder-1.36
For zmrepo, the line for sources.list is (with xenial replaced with your ubuntu distro name)
deb xenial/
This is the last version that will support ubuntu xenial or debian jessie or I think centos 7.
Remember to take a backup of your database before upgrading. Reverting is easy if you have a backup, kinda hard if you don't.
Anyone coming from 1.35.28 the only difference is the version, so you should be safe to update.
There shouldn't be any apache2 config changes between 1.34.* and 1.36.*.
The database upgrade can take a long time if you have a lot of events, or log entries because there are table structure changes.
Any third party scripts that rely on Events.StartTime or Events.EndTime will have to be updated to reference Events.StartDateTime and Events.EndDateTime.
The db update SHOULD move the value from ImageBufferCount to MaxImageBufferCount and set ImageBufferCount to 3. If it doesn't, please update them manually. 3 is the recommended minimum for ImageBufferCount. If you have choppy live view, try increasing it to 4 or 5. You may need to increase MaxImageBufferCount.
You should no longer care about the size of /dev/shm
For ubuntu, since this is a new stable release, it has a new ppa. You will have to add it to get the update.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:iconnor/zoneminder-1.36
For zmrepo, the line for sources.list is (with xenial replaced with your ubuntu distro name)
deb xenial/
This is the last version that will support ubuntu xenial or debian jessie or I think centos 7.
Remember to take a backup of your database before upgrading. Reverting is easy if you have a backup, kinda hard if you don't.
Anyone coming from 1.35.28 the only difference is the version, so you should be safe to update.
There shouldn't be any apache2 config changes between 1.34.* and 1.36.*.
The database upgrade can take a long time if you have a lot of events, or log entries because there are table structure changes.
Any third party scripts that rely on Events.StartTime or Events.EndTime will have to be updated to reference Events.StartDateTime and Events.EndDateTime.
The db update SHOULD move the value from ImageBufferCount to MaxImageBufferCount and set ImageBufferCount to 3. If it doesn't, please update them manually. 3 is the recommended minimum for ImageBufferCount. If you have choppy live view, try increasing it to 4 or 5. You may need to increase MaxImageBufferCount.
You should no longer care about the size of /dev/shm