Zoneminder being killed by the oom killer

Discussions related to the 1.36.x series of ZoneMinder
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Zoneminder being killed by the oom killer

Post by bluedreamer »

I recently setup a zoneminder system and it worked ok for a few days and now memory seems to spike on 2 of the zmc processes and the oom killer takes it all down.

I have 2 IP cameras and 2 monitors per camera - a lowres 640x360 and a highres 4K
All 4 stream are rtsp/tcp. All 4 streams are camera passthrough

The lowres monitors are set to Mocord and the highres are set to Nodect. Each of the highres monitors have both of the lowres monitors linked.

Have I created a circular link?

I did increase the limits in systemd for zoneminder from 64K up to 8Mb for max locked memory (LimitMEMLOCK=8192000)

This is what the the monitors look like in top after a new start.

Code: Select all

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
  40353 apache    20   0 5153716   4.5g 132636 S  96.9  14.4   8:03.87 /usr/bin/zmc -m 4
  40349 apache    20   0 5156300   4.5g 132728 S  98.7  14.3   8:20.73 /usr/bin/zmc -m 3
  40439 apache    20   0  575560 224896  38936 S   4.0   0.7   0:17.21 /usr/bin/zmc -m 2
  40341 apache    20   0  575580 207588  38828 S   3.5   0.6   0:21.23 /usr/bin/zmc -m 1
If I trigger an event by walking infront of the camera the 4k monitors spike in ram

Code: Select all

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
  40353 apache    20   0   13.6g  10.5g 133444 S  97.3  33.6  12:05.03 /usr/bin/zmc -m 4
  40349 apache    20   0   11.3g   8.9g 133488 S 102.7  28.6  12:25.13 /usr/bin/zmc -m 3
  40439 apache    20   0  583756 243184  38936 S   3.7   0.7   0:26.82 /usr/bin/zmc -m 2
  40341 apache    20   0  649312 205996  38828 S   4.3   0.6   0:30.75 /usr/bin/zmc -m 1
And if I trigger it again - it leaks more memory

Code: Select all

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
  40353 apache    20   0   17.1g  13.0g 133364 S  94.3  41.5  21:46.35 /usr/bin/zmc -m 4
  40349 apache    20   0   15.4g  11.7g 133408 S 103.7  37.6  22:38.29 /usr/bin/zmc -m 3
  40439 apache    20   0  583756 243072  38856 S   4.7   0.7   0:51.99 /usr/bin/zmc -m 2
  40341 apache    20   0  649312 206768  38748 S   4.3   0.6   0:54.92 /usr/bin/zmc -m 1

OS: Fedora 34
Zoneminder: 1.36.8 from rpmfusion
Cameras: Reolink RLC-810A
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