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filter issues - not filtering

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 3:55 pm
by handswork

I have som filtering issues.
Can't do this
SQL E.StorageId = '7' and E.Archived = '0' and TRUE /*DiskPercent*/
but this works
SQL E.Archived = '0' and TRUE /*DiskPercent*/

It started after I created new a new datastore..
Nothing shows up in the log, and the web just jumps to event page to show me the matches but just hanging there, "Loading please wait..."
The "PurgeWhenFull" dosen't work anymore either. SQL E.StorageId = '6' and E.Archived = '0' and TRUE /*DiskPercent*/

It looks like when I add E.StorageId = 'X' then it just hang

Can't delete the filters either..

I'm running 1.36.10

Anyone else see the same issues?

Re: filter issues - not filtering

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 4:26 pm
by handswork
I actually though I had debug turned on, but no..

Seems that the filter is working but the web_php just looping it..

Re: filter issues - not filtering

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 5:36 pm
by handswork
It dosen't work at all.

even if I remove storage as and option..
and when I say disk % bigger or equal to 97% it shows everything but the storage is only 11% full at the moment... if I set it to bigger or equal to 4% it shows nothing...

So something is broken..

When I think about a had have some issue when I ran 1.35.x, similar to this, that's why I upgraded to the 1.36 track. but now it is much worse.
And even with debug it dosen't show me what it could be..

Do I really need to do a clean install again?

Re: filter issues - not filtering

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:14 pm
by dougmccrary
You’re running 1.36.10 on what?
I find the execute or show matches behaves as you describe, but work as expected when actually used on Ubuntu.

Re: filter issues - not filtering

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 11:33 pm
by handswork
It is running on Ubuntu 20.04.
But the database broke suddenly.
I didn’t want to troubleshoot further, so I build a new one..
Also Ubuntu.. - it is already running and recording..
All I have done with that server is keep rolling patches on it, and now I did a new data store plan, needed to move around on some disk and new mount points etc..

So what you’re saying is that this kind of behavior is expected on Ubuntu?

Re: filter issues - not filtering

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:36 am
by dougmccrary
Not actually expected - just what I've seen for quite a while.
When I see the loading hang, it's meant it would (usually) work IRL.