timezone settings
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 4:52 am
Not sure what I broke -- recent recordings in the events folder are showing what I think is UTC dates, while zm expects to find the recordings using the timezone I've got configured.
Local end time of event shows in the zm gui as 04/03/22 20:08:53, however in UTC, it would be one day ahead
I /think/ I've got the timezone settings correctly synced everywhere, and haven't made any changes to ZM, so I'm a bit perplexed why this would happen all of a sudden? Still running v1.36.12
mariadb docker container uses TZ environment variable:
If I use the mysql client and 'select now()' it shows the time and date for that timezone.
and in the ZM database a query for the timezone settings correctly returns the same zone:
select Value from Config where Name= "ZM_TIMEZONE";
php.ini contents:
The events show the correct timezone in the gui, so ZM seems to know what's up, but oddly doesn't when it chooses to create the date folders?
Code: Select all
Event was not found at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/2022-04-03/101303. It is unlikely that playback will be possible.
Local end time of event shows in the zm gui as 04/03/22 20:08:53, however in UTC, it would be one day ahead
Code: Select all
root@server-0:/var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/2022-04-04# ls -la 101303
total 19246
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 3 Apr 4 03:09 .
drwxr-xr-x 56 www-data www-data 54 Apr 4 04:43 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 17055132 Apr 4 03:09 101303-video.mp4
mariadb docker container uses TZ environment variable:
Code: Select all
and in the ZM database a query for the timezone settings correctly returns the same zone:
select Value from Config where Name= "ZM_TIMEZONE";
Code: Select all
| Value |
| America/Los_Angeles |
php.ini contents:
Code: Select all
date.timezone = America/Los_Angeles