mysql's timezone does not match the system timezone!
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:38 pm
I recently installed Zoneminder 1.36.14 onto Ubuntu Server 20.04. I followed IConnors video here -
After the install I noticed that the timestamp on the videos and the time recorded in the event lists were incorrect. I used to configure the timezone to my location. After doing so the timestamp was correct but the times within the event list were still in UTC time. The log also showed an alert which read "ZoneMinder is not configured properly: mysql's timezone does not match the system timezone! Event lists will display incorrect times." Can anyone help me configure the timezone within mysql so the times match within my setup? Any help is appreciated.
I recently installed Zoneminder 1.36.14 onto Ubuntu Server 20.04. I followed IConnors video here -
After the install I noticed that the timestamp on the videos and the time recorded in the event lists were incorrect. I used
Code: Select all
sudo timedatectl set-timezone <your_time_zone>