08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] INF ZMLog.py:292 [Setting up signal handler for logs]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] INF ZMLog.py:301 [Switching global logger to ZMLog]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] INF zm_detect.py:284 [---------| app:6.1.28, pyzm:0.3.56, ES:6.1.28
, OpenCV:4.6.0|------------]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] INF utils.py:405 [Reading config from: /etc/zm/objectconfig.ini]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] INF utils.py:410 [Reading secrets from: /etc/zm/secrets.ini]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 utils.py:382 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PORTAL]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 utils.py:382 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_USER]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 utils.py:382 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PASSWORD]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 utils.py:382 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_API_PORTAL]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 utils.py:382 [Secret token found in config: !ML_USER]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 utils.py:382 [Secret token found in config: !ML_PASSWORD]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 utils.py:382 [Secret token found in config: !PLATEREC_ALPR_KEY]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 utils.py:445 [allowing self-signed certs to work...]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 utils.py:455 [Now checking for monitor overrides]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 utils.py:522 [Finally, doing parameter substitution]
08/02/22 01:10:31 zmesdetect_m23[6413] INF zm_detect.py:309 [Importing local classes for Object/Face]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] INF zm_detect.py:334 [Connecting with ZM APIs]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 api.py:72 [API SSL certificate check has been disbled]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 api.py:181 [using username/password for login]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 api.py:210 [Using new token API]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 zm_detect.py:342 [using ml_sequence]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 zm_detect.py:354 [using stream_sequence]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:160 [Resetting models, will be loaded on next run]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 detect_sequence.py:634 [Using automatic locking as we are switching between models]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 Media.py:51 [Media get SSL certificate check has been disbled]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 Media.py:99 [Using URL 23 for stream]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 Media.py:114 [We will only process frames: ['snapshot', 'alarm']]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 Media.py:137 [No need to start streams, we are picking images from]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 Media.py:271 [Reading ... d=snapshot]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 api.py:272 [make_request called with url= ... d=snapshot payload={} type=get query={'token': None}]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:654 [perf: Starting for frame:snapshot]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:664 [Sequence of detection types to execute: ['object', 'face', 'alpr']]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:669 [============ Frame: snapshot Running object detection type in sequence ==================]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:174 [Skipping TPU object detection as it is disabled]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:178 [Loading sequence: YoloV4 GPU/CPU]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:179 [Initializing model type:object with options:{'name': 'YoloV4 GPU/CPU', 'enabled': 'yes', 'object_config': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/yolov4.cfg', 'object_weights': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/yolov4.weights', 'object_labels': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/coco.names', 'object_min_confidence': 0.3, 'object_framework': 'opencv', 'object_processor': 'gpu', 'gpu_max_processes': 1, 'gpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'cpu_max_processes': 3, 'cpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'max_detection_size': '90%', 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:38 [portalock: max:1, name:pyzm_uid0_gpu_lock, timeout:100]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 detect_sequence.py:689 [object has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:701 [--------- Frame:snapshot Running variation: #1 -------------]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:136 [detect extracted image dimensions as: 800wx600h]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:50 [Waiting for pyzm_uid0_gpu_lock portalock...]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:52 [Got pyzm_uid0_gpu_lock portalock]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 yolo.py:85 [|--------- Loading "YoloV4 GPU/CPU" model from disk -------------|]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 yolo.py:100 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo initialization (loading /var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/yolov4.weights model from disk) took: 170.56 ms]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:115 [Setting CUDA backend for OpenCV]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 yolo.py:116 [If you did not set your CUDA_ARCH_BIN correctly during OpenCV compilation, you will get errors during detection related to invalid device/make_policy]
08/02/22 01:10:32 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 yolo.py:160 [|---------- YOLO (input image: 800w*600h, model resize dimensions: 416w*416h) ----------|]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:68 [Released pyzm_uid0_gpu_lock portalock]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 yolo.py:185 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo detection took: 4749.36 ms]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:220 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 2.48 ms]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:66 [core model detection over, got 7 objects. Now filtering]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:70 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:78 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:101 [Ignoring person [255, 322, 273, 342] as conf. level 0.21680845320224762 is lower than 0.3]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:103 [Returning filtered list of 6 objects.]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:711 [This model iteration inside object found: labels: ['car', 'person', 'car', 'person', 'car', 'car'],conf:[0.5893807411193848, 0.561074435710907, 0.5283361673355103, 0.43574970960617065, 0.3707943856716156, 0.3614358901977539]]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:424 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:432 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:448 [No polygons, adding full image polygon: {'name': 'full_image', 'value': [(0, 0), (2560, 0), (2560, 1920), (0, 1920)], 'pattern': None}]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 detect_sequence.py:228 [resized polygons x=0.3125/y=0.3125: [{'name': 'full_image', 'value': [(0, 0), (800, 0), (800, 600), (0, 600)], 'pattern': None}]]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:502 [intersection: object:car,POLYGON ((358 159, 416 159, 416 197, 358 197, 358 159)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:518 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|bicycle|cat|dog|mouse|bird)]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:526 [full_image intersects object:car[[(358, 159), (416, 159), (416, 197), (358, 197)]]]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:502 [intersection: object:person,POLYGON ((463 334, 481 334, 481 372, 463 372, 463 334)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:518 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|bicycle|cat|dog|mouse|bird)]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:526 [full_image intersects object:person[[(463, 334), (481, 334), (481, 372), (463, 372)]]]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:502 [intersection: object:car,POLYGON ((547 306, 579 306, 579 350, 547 350, 547 306)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:518 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|bicycle|cat|dog|mouse|bird)]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:526 [full_image intersects object:car[[(547, 306), (579, 306), (579, 350), (547, 350)]]]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:502 [intersection: object:person,POLYGON ((390 332, 424 332, 424 364, 390 364, 390 332)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:518 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|bicycle|cat|dog|mouse|bird)]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:526 [full_image intersects object:person[[(390, 332), (424, 332), (424, 364), (390, 364)]]]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:502 [intersection: object:car,POLYGON ((412 302, 462 302, 462 336, 412 336, 412 302)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:518 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|bicycle|cat|dog|mouse|bird)]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:526 [full_image intersects object:car[[(412, 302), (462, 302), (462, 336), (412, 336)]]]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:502 [intersection: object:car,POLYGON ((306 330, 332 330, 332 346, 306 346, 306 330)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:518 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|bicycle|cat|dog|mouse|bird)]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:526 [full_image intersects object:car[[(306, 330), (332, 330), (332, 346), (306, 346)]]]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:753 [breaking out of same model loop, as matches found and strategy is "first"]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:669 [============ Frame: snapshot Running face detection type in sequence ==================]
08/02/22 01:10:37 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:190 [Skipping TPU face detection as it is disabled]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:42 [perf: processor:cpu Face Recognition library load time took: 0.00 ms ]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:50 [Initializing face recognition with model:cnn upsample:1, jitters:0]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 face_dlib.py:73 [portalock: max:3, name:pyzm_uid0_cpu_lock, timeout:100]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:89 [pre-trained faces found, using that. If you want to add new images, remove: /var/lib/zmeventnotification/known_faces/faces.dat]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 detect_sequence.py:689 [face has a same_model_sequence strategy of union]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:701 [--------- Frame:snapshot Running variation: #1 -------------]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:164 [|---------- Dlib Face recognition (input image: 800w*600h) ----------|]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 face_dlib.py:174 [Face options={'name': 'DLIB based face recognition', 'enabled': 'yes', 'save_unknown_faces': 'yes', 'save_unknown_faces_leeway_pixels': 100, 'face_detection_framework': 'dlib', 'known_images_path': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/known_faces', 'unknown_images_path': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/unknown_faces', 'face_model': 'cnn', 'face_train_model': 'cnn', 'face_recog_dist_threshold': '0.6', 'face_num_jitters': '1', 'face_upsample_times': '1', 'gpu_max_processes': 1, 'gpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'cpu_max_processes': 3, 'cpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'max_size': 800, 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 face_dlib.py:123 [Waiting for pyzm_uid0_cpu_lock portalock...]
08/02/22 01:10:40 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 face_dlib.py:125 [Got pyzm_uid0_cpu_lock lock...]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:206 [perf: processor:cpu Finding faces took 40890.57 ms]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:141 [Released pyzm_uid0_cpu_lock portalock]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:218 [perf: processor:cpu Computing face recognition distances took 0.99 ms]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:711 [This model iteration inside face found: labels: [],conf:[]]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:424 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:432 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:770 [We did not find any face matches in frame: snapshot]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:669 [============ Frame: snapshot Running alpr detection type in sequence ==================]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:672 [Making sure we have matched one of ['car', 'motorbike', 'bus', 'truck', 'boat'] in ['car', 'person', 'car', 'person', 'car', 'car'] before we proceed]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 alpr.py:24 [Initializing ALPR:Platerecognizer cloud with options:{'name': 'Platerecognizer cloud', 'enabled': 'yes', 'alpr_api_type': 'cloud', 'alpr_service': 'plate_recognizer', 'alpr_key': 'your_plate_recognizer_api_key', 'platrec_stats': 'yes', 'platerec_min_dscore': 0.1, 'platerec_min_score': 0.2, 'max_size': 1600, 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 alpr.py:24 [Initializing ALPR:Platerecognizer cloud with options:{'name': 'Platerecognizer cloud', 'enabled': 'yes', 'alpr_api_type': 'cloud', 'alpr_service': 'plate_recognizer', 'alpr_key': 'your_plate_recognizer_api_key', 'platrec_stats': 'yes', 'platerec_min_dscore': 0.1, 'platerec_min_score': 0.2, 'max_size': 1600, 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 alpr.py:141 [PlateRecognizer ALPR initialized with url:
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 detect_sequence.py:689 [alpr has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:701 [--------- Frame:snapshot Running variation: #1 -------------]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 alpr.py:50 [Supplied object is not a file, assuming blob and creating file]
08/02/22 01:11:21 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 alpr.py:54 [resizing image blob to 1600]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] ERR alpr.py:219 [Plate recognizer rejected the upload with 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:
https://api.platerecognizer.com/v1/plate-reader and body:b'{"detail":"Invalid token.","status_code":403}']
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 alpr.py:251 [Exiting ALPR with labels:[]]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:711 [This model iteration inside alpr found: labels: [],conf:[]]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:424 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:432 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:770 [We did not find any alpr matches in frame: snapshot]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 Media.py:271 [Reading ... &fid=alarm]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 api.py:272 [make_request called with url= ... &fid=alarm payload={} type=get query={'token': None}]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:654 [perf: Starting for frame:alarm]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:664 [Sequence of detection types to execute: ['object', 'face', 'alpr']]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:669 [============ Frame: alarm Running object detection type in sequence ==================]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 detect_sequence.py:689 [object has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:701 [--------- Frame:alarm Running variation: #1 -------------]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:136 [detect extracted image dimensions as: 800wx600h]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:50 [Waiting for pyzm_uid0_gpu_lock portalock...]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:52 [Got pyzm_uid0_gpu_lock portalock]
08/02/22 01:11:29 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 yolo.py:160 [|---------- YOLO (input image: 800w*600h, model resize dimensions: 416w*416h) ----------|]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:68 [Released pyzm_uid0_gpu_lock portalock]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 yolo.py:185 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo detection took: 3978.47 ms]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 yolo.py:220 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 3.00 ms]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:66 [core model detection over, got 7 objects. Now filtering]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:70 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:78 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:101 [Ignoring car [547, 306, 579, 350] as conf. level 0.2730107307434082 is lower than 0.3]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:101 [Ignoring car [412, 302, 462, 336] as conf. level 0.27173566818237305 is lower than 0.3]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:101 [Ignoring car [306, 330, 332, 346] as conf. level 0.26961156725883484 is lower than 0.3]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:101 [Ignoring car [380, 150, 440, 188] as conf. level 0.25052833557128906 is lower than 0.3]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 object.py:103 [Returning filtered list of 3 objects.]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:711 [This model iteration inside object found: labels: ['person', 'person', 'person'],conf:[0.5385230779647827, 0.45212042331695557, 0.4414695203304291]]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:424 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:432 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:502 [intersection: object:person,POLYGON ((463 333, 481 333, 481 369, 463 369, 463 333)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:518 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|bicycle|cat|dog|mouse|bird)]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:526 [full_image intersects object:person[[(463, 333), (481, 333), (481, 369), (463, 369)]]]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:502 [intersection: object:person,POLYGON ((254 321, 274 321, 274 343, 254 343, 254 321)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:518 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|bicycle|cat|dog|mouse|bird)]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:526 [full_image intersects object:person[[(254, 321), (274, 321), (274, 343), (254, 343)]]]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:502 [intersection: object:person,POLYGON ((392 331, 424 331, 424 365, 392 365, 392 331)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:518 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|bicycle|cat|dog|mouse|bird)]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:526 [full_image intersects object:person[[(392, 331), (424, 331), (424, 365), (392, 365)]]]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:753 [breaking out of same model loop, as matches found and strategy is "first"]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:669 [============ Frame: alarm Running face detection type in sequence ==================]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 detect_sequence.py:689 [face has a same_model_sequence strategy of union]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:701 [--------- Frame:alarm Running variation: #1 -------------]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:164 [|---------- Dlib Face recognition (input image: 800w*600h) ----------|]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG3 face_dlib.py:174 [Face options={'name': 'DLIB based face recognition', 'enabled': 'yes', 'save_unknown_faces': 'yes', 'save_unknown_faces_leeway_pixels': 100, 'face_detection_framework': 'dlib', 'known_images_path': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/known_faces', 'unknown_images_path': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/unknown_faces', 'face_model': 'cnn', 'face_train_model': 'cnn', 'face_recog_dist_threshold': '0.6', 'face_num_jitters': '1', 'face_upsample_times': '1', 'gpu_max_processes': 1, 'gpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'cpu_max_processes': 3, 'cpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'max_size': 800, 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 face_dlib.py:123 [Waiting for pyzm_uid0_cpu_lock portalock...]
08/02/22 01:11:33 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 face_dlib.py:125 [Got pyzm_uid0_cpu_lock lock...]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:206 [perf: processor:cpu Finding faces took 40257.34 ms]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:141 [Released pyzm_uid0_cpu_lock portalock]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 face_dlib.py:218 [perf: processor:cpu Computing face recognition distances took 0.86 ms]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:711 [This model iteration inside face found: labels: [],conf:[]]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:424 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:432 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:770 [We did not find any face matches in frame: alarm]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:669 [============ Frame: alarm Running alpr detection type in sequence ==================]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG2 detect_sequence.py:672 [Making sure we have matched one of ['car', 'motorbike', 'bus', 'truck', 'boat'] in ['person', 'person', 'person'] before we proceed]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:674 [Did not find pre existing labels, not running detection type]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 detect_sequence.py:827 [perf: TOTAL detection sequence (with image loads) took: 101458.68 ms to process 23]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] INF zm_detect.py:479 [Prediction string:[s] detected
59% person:56% ]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 zm_detect.py:481 [Prediction string JSON:{"labels": ["car", "person", "car", "person", "car", "car"], "boxes": [[358, 159, 416, 197], [463, 334, 481, 372], [547, 306, 579, 350], [390, 332, 424, 364], [412, 302, 462, 336], [306, 330, 332, 346]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.5893807411193848, 0.561074435710907, 0.5283361673355103, 0.43574970960617065, 0.3707943856716156, 0.3614358901977539], "image_dimensions": {"original": [1920, 2560], "resized": [600, 800]}}]
08/02/22 01:12:13 zmesdetect_m23[6413] DBG1 zm_detect.py:557 [Closing logs]