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Why is there no event log, hour, day?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:36 pm
by AnneJFM
Hello everyone...
In my zoneminder console, this part shows up with Events set to "Null", as does the time, day, and everything else.
How can I correct this?

Re: Why is there no event log, hour, day?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:37 pm
by AnneJFM
help me, please.

Re: Why is there no event log, hour, day?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:32 pm
by iconnor
There could be many reasons. Look in your logs.

First thing that comes to mind is a broken database, where the automatic triggers aren't running. If you click on one of these, do you get events listed? If so, then do the following:
mysql -u zmuser -p zm < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/triggers.sql

If not then you aren't recording. Post some screenshots of your setup. (We demand screenshots because when people use words... they says untrue things... not lies... just untruths due to misunderstanding).