Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach when restarting ZM
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:14 am
Hello everyone,
I am running ZM (currently 1.36.25) for a few weeks now on a Ubuntu Server 20.04.5 LTS without any issues. I am still learning stuff, but so far it runs stable and yesterday I decided to dip into zmeventnotification.
So I installed the latest stable (6.1.28) as described in the Documentation and followed precisely all the prerequisites (Python version, Perl Modules etc.). I "think" I got it running, but since i had problems receiving Push notifications I enabled debugging logs to dig a bit deeper of what is going on. I found an issue I will probably post in another thread after doing more research. But while debugging, changing config files and restarting zonememinder I ran into the issue here.
This problem only started after installing and enabling zmeventnotification yesterday.
When the ZM machine is freshly booted ZM runs fine and I can do a 'systemctl restart zoneminder' as often as my heart desires without any problems.
But as soon as a single alarm triggered and I try a 'systemctl restart zoneminder' again, the command never finishes and I see those in the syslog:
To make matters worse, I can not even reboot the Machine via SSH. I have to do a hard power cycle to get it back up running.
I checked /dev/shm/zm.mmap.1 and zm.mmap.2 and they are owned by www-data:www-data and set to 660.
I assume I might have had that problem since I use ZM, but it never got triggered because /dev/shm is only used since yesterday when I started using zmeventnotification, right?
My question: What could be my problem here?
Thank you very much in advance.
Edit: The error in syslog only shows up as soon as I try the systemctl restart zoneminder. While triggering Alarms, they do not show up yet (although /dev/shm is used to store data there, right?). So I should not have a permission issue with /dev/shm?
I am running ZM (currently 1.36.25) for a few weeks now on a Ubuntu Server 20.04.5 LTS without any issues. I am still learning stuff, but so far it runs stable and yesterday I decided to dip into zmeventnotification.
So I installed the latest stable (6.1.28) as described in the Documentation and followed precisely all the prerequisites (Python version, Perl Modules etc.). I "think" I got it running, but since i had problems receiving Push notifications I enabled debugging logs to dig a bit deeper of what is going on. I found an issue I will probably post in another thread after doing more research. But while debugging, changing config files and restarting zonememinder I ran into the issue here.
This problem only started after installing and enabling zmeventnotification yesterday.
When the ZM machine is freshly booted ZM runs fine and I can do a 'systemctl restart zoneminder' as often as my heart desires without any problems.
But as soon as a single alarm triggered and I try a 'systemctl restart zoneminder' again, the command never finishes and I see those in the syslog:
Code: Select all
systemctl restart zoneminder
Sep 10 07:58:02 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Shared data not valid for monitor 1]
Sep 10 07:58:02 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [|----> FORK:Logitech C310 (1), eid:836 SHM failed, re-validating it]
Sep 10 07:58:02 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach. zmc might not be running.]
Sep 10 07:58:03 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach. zmc might not be running.]
Sep 10 07:58:03 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [|----> FORK:Logitech C310 (1), eid:836 SHM failed, re-validating it]
Sep 10 07:58:03 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach. zmc might not be running.]
Sep 10 07:58:05 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach. zmc might not be running.]
Sep 10 07:58:05 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [|----> FORK:Logitech C310 (1), eid:836 SHM failed, re-validating it]
Sep 10 07:58:05 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach. zmc might not be running.]
Sep 10 07:58:07 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach. zmc might not be running.]
Sep 10 07:58:07 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [|----> FORK:Logitech C310 (1), eid:836 SHM failed, re-validating it]
Sep 10 07:58:07 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach. zmc might not be running.]
Sep 10 07:58:09 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach. zmc might not be running.]
Sep 10 07:58:09 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [|----> FORK:Logitech C310 (1), eid:836 SHM failed, re-validating it]
Sep 10 07:58:10 flathead zmeventnotification[31613]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist in zmMemAttach. zmc might not be running.]
I checked /dev/shm/zm.mmap.1 and zm.mmap.2 and they are owned by www-data:www-data and set to 660.
I assume I might have had that problem since I use ZM, but it never got triggered because /dev/shm is only used since yesterday when I started using zmeventnotification, right?
My question: What could be my problem here?
Thank you very much in advance.
Edit: The error in syslog only shows up as soon as I try the systemctl restart zoneminder. While triggering Alarms, they do not show up yet (although /dev/shm is used to store data there, right?). So I should not have a permission issue with /dev/shm?