I'm heavily using zmtrigger.pl to start events on zm fom external sources. It works fine with single server, but in multi-server environment external source must exactly knows which server currently is connected to particular monitor id and this might change any time.
zmtrigger returns following warning when monitor id is not found on this server:
I'm going to develop some code to mitigate this 'issue' but first I want to consult with you where changes should be made, which option is best?zmtrigger[ZZZZ].WAR [main:382] [Can't find monitor 'X' for message 'X|on|YY|testTrigger|test trigger|']
1. zmtrigger.pl should be extended and have ability to call other zmtrigger via TCP call if can't find monitor locally
2. zmtrigger.pl should be extended and communicate with other zmtrigger via database
3. there should be new proxy server with knows who needs to be called on TCP call but it's occupies different port, API is identical as zmtrigger, can be configured via WebUI
If you prefer not to add this modification to ZM I can always go with option 3 and keep it as a separate project