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Best camera viewer Linux or android app

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:41 pm
by mrd
I've been using tinycam for years to view my cameras on tablets and keep the load of doing so off of my ZM server. It seems there isn't much new support anymore so I'm wondering what other people use or know of for options. Maybe my thinking is wrong and I should just use the ZM console, but I was viewing the higher output streams with tinycam, which was nice.

I appreciate any advice.

Re: Best camera viewer Linux or android app

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:17 am
by dougmccrary
Whatever floats your boat...
I have to use several different apps to see all of my cameras by app. Mostly I just use zm montage. It is a load, but doesn't seem to increase with more than one device. I have mostly lower res (640x360) cams, so it may be more of a problem for your case.
And there's zmninja, which is also good, and may be less load; I have not really checked.