Tampermonkey Widgets for Security Monitor

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Tampermonkey Widgets for Security Monitor

Post by MemberSolo »

Hey first post here! Hoping to make some folks who look this over, have a bit of a more customized experience with ZoneMinder. I'm going to go straight to the meat and potatoes of what I wanted to accomplish.

This shows the Weather Widget and Time widgets. There is a unpictured script that adds width options to the montage screen for the windows, managing the windows is a HUGE pain so wrote in some additional options for the middle of the road resolutions.

Want to check it out?

Chrome Extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... fkfo?hl=en


Montage Screen
  • Weather Widget
    • This will update itself every 20 minutes to keep within API limits
    • The UI will check to update the "Last Updated:" field every 15 seconds giving a more dynamic feel to the UI so you can get a more accurate idea of how long it has been since it last updated.

Weather Widget Setup: OpenWeather API Key
If using the weather widget, you'll need to update a few things to have it work for your location. First you'll need to get an API key, registration is required to get a key. Rate restrictions apply to update requests so using the widget in its current implementation is recommended.

File reference: https://github.com/Apezdr/ZoneminderWid ... er.user.js

API Key Update: https://github.com/Apezdr/ZoneminderWid ... ser.js#L46 Update after "&appid=##########"

On Line 43-44 in the file see below:

Code: Select all

var weather = {
    get: ()=>{
        var lat = '35.2982',
            lon = '-81.0159';
How Do I get my coordinates?

To get your coordinates go to the following page: https://openweathermap.org/
Then open your developer toolbar (F12) and open the network tab. Click the "Preserve Log" checkbox and refresh the page.
Look for the item in the list that begins with "weather?id=" and use the coord object to change your tampermonkey file to match your coordinates.

All changes can be made in your browser and do not require you to fork the repo on github, however here's a link for the github repo anyways.

Github Repo

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