What user to run zmaudit.pl?

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Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:16 pm

What user to run zmaudit.pl?

Post by JimS »

I had my disk fill up. The machine was still running but zoneminder wasn't, or at least the web page didn't work. So I deleted older image files and rebooted. Zoneminder is working. Tried to run zmaudit using putty from another pc. Got a messange:
Zoneminder configuraton file found but is not readable. Check file permissions on /etc/zm/zm.conf
Am I supposed to run this as a specific user? The man page says nothing about this.
using ls -al I see owner is root and group is www-data
So guessing I should run this as root, i.e.
sudo zmaudit.pl
but want to check before I do that...
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Re: What user to run zmaudit.pl?

Post by Magic919 »

You need to run it as a user that can access the config file. Needs therefore to be either www-data or root.
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