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Does MQTT work?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:47 am
by Dax
Hi, I'm testing ZoneMinder 1.37 and the new features look very interesting to me but I can't get mqtt to work.
Does it work or am I wasting my time?

Re: Does MQTT work?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:03 pm
by iconnor
Last I looked it worked, but you have to realise that I just roughed in the bare elements, hoping to enable someone else to quickly implement their desired feature. No one has yet to step up.

MQTT has two sides, ZM should broadcast the creation/ending of an event. That is the only message I implemented.
ZM can also subscribe to messages sent by external sources, again I have done nothing with this. The idea was to associate the message with the current event.

Re: Does MQTT work?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:52 pm
by Dax
I just need a create/end event, that's exactly what I need but my broker doesn't receive anything and even using mqtt explorer I don't see anything happening.

Re: Does MQTT work?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:53 pm
by iconnor
I suppose the next question would be.... is it even compiled into your build? It's an optional feature, so what distro are you running and where do yuou get packages from?

Maybe turn on Debugging.

Do you see the MQTT options when editing a monitor? Is it enabled?

Re: Does MQTT work?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 4:27 pm
by Dax
Maybe that's the problem.
I installed following your youtube video "ZoneMinder 1.37.28 on Ubuntu Kinetic".
In the monitors I see "MQTT Enabled - Enabled" and "MQTT Subscriptions"
When debugging with the MQTT filter I only find:

Code: Select all

zms   4322   DB1   env: HTTP_COOKIE=zmSkin=classic; zmCSS=base;["Archived","Emailed"];;;;; ZMSESSID=d3o8ahqa0e42ub4qs7ep3ns2ei; zmEventStats=on; zmEventScale1=0; zmEventScale2=0; zmEventScale3=0; replayMode=gapless