Record on a Schedule, Events Cut Off

Discussions related to the 1.36.x series of ZoneMinder
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Record on a Schedule, Events Cut Off

Post by Ruler »

We are possibly having issues with janitors after hours. I set up an older IP camera & linked it to our existing ZoneMinder box to record the activity in the area in question after we close. It's working fine, but have run into a couple things that I'm more curious about than anything:

1. It's set up for continual recording, polling the URL of the camera to grab the frames. Looked in ZoneMinder and cannot find any way to configure this camera to record only between certain hours, which is all we need. I'm not interested in what happens when we're open, only to catch what the janitors are doing when nobody else is around. Is this possible without affecting the rest of the cameras in our system? Not really a big deal if there's not... it's just consuming quite a bit of drive space.

2. Now for the weird one... it doesn't really adversely affect anything - just strange. Like I mentioned, it's set up to record continuously and split into 10-minute segments. Every hour, the event starts at 40 past the hour, then dies at 45 minutes past. The following event starts immediately and records for 15 minutes. It's ONLY this IP camera that is doing this... the rest of the cameras connected via BNC to capture cards do not exhibit this behavior.

Like I said - I'm more curious about these than anything else.
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Re: Record on a Schedule, Events Cut Off

Post by Andyrh »

I found this on run states. It is a little old but it should get you started on recording only during off hours.


Ubuntu 22.04
ZM 1.36.33
E5-1650-v4 Xeon
6 cameras -> 54 FPS modect
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