Scan Network - Specify IP range
Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 6:01 am
I "accidentally" upgraded from 1.36.33 to 1.37.55 by being a bit reckless with updating my machine. Since I did so, I'm trying to embrace the new things I'm seeing. One of them is the "Scan Network" functionality. This seems like a good idea unless you've set up your network the way that I have. I have created several different VLANs on my home system. My ZoneMinder machine is located on a different VLAN than all of my cameras. With the exception of two cameras, all of my cameras are on a VLAN that intentionally blocks all Internet traffic. No device on the camera VLAN can instigate any communication except to ask my NTP server for the time on a different VLAN. I have two cameras that are my IoT VLAN; one is my doorbell camera. My ZoneMinder computer is allowed to initiate communication with any device on the IoT VLAN or the camera VLAN. Despite this, ZoneMinder is only finding devices that are on it's own VLAN, nothing on any other VLANs. Is there any way to specify the range of IPs to scan by entering the network in CIDR notation format? (eg. for through
An interesting finding on the "Scan Network" is that it picked up some of my SiliconDust HDHomeRun television tuner devices... I'm not seeing exactly how that would be useful, but it amused me.
An interesting finding on the "Scan Network" is that it picked up some of my SiliconDust HDHomeRun television tuner devices... I'm not seeing exactly how that would be useful, but it amused me.