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Hi, & a few questions

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 12:44 pm
by Afx
Hi, thx for this great util..I have migrated from Motion and decided to give this a try on Mandrake 10 official...all seems well apart from 2 things:

I don't get an outline on the triggered area of motion.

Is there a better description of how to setup the zones?...having trouble understanding the application of the values

The images don't get deleted when you deleted the this normal?

Many thanks,


Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 3:03 pm
by djsb
You can read all that information on the Read me file:

About deleting images, you can turn that option on on the options menu where there's an option that allows (for permormance issues) to delete the images only from database and not from the harddisk.


Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 3:06 pm
by Afx
thx, i did read the readme file (did get it installed and working!)
but I wondered if there was a 'laymans' setup guide or examples for the zones...the options arent too intuitive..for me at least

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 4:07 pm
by Afx

something like this has helped..thx

still am not getting the highlighted area of the alarm, just the whole image has a red border

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:55 am
by snakebyte
Afx wrote:

something like this has helped..thx

still am not getting the highlighted area of the alarm, just the whole image has a red border
Sounds like you might want to turn on one or both of these options:

ZM_RECORD_DIAG_IMAGES Whether to record intermediate alarm diagnostic images, can be very slow (?)
ZM_CREATE_ANALYSIS_IMAGES Whether to create analysed alarm images with motion outlined (?)

You can get to these settings from the options link off of the main zm page un der the "System" tab.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:29 pm
by Afx
cheers fella..all is working fine now..
Logitech USB 3000pro webcam on an xp2000 athlon running Mandrake 10.
Was a bit of a pain getting the webcam to work with Mandrake 10 as it needed a kernel recompile :-| Also have a Hauppage tv card with a test b/w cam on...all looks good so far :)