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FFMPEG video streaming problem?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 9:37 pm
by kgab0r

I installed ffmpeg succesfully, and zm 1.19.4 found the libs fine.
But there is a problem, I can't see anything in my browser in stream view.
I use Debian Woody, Mozilla 1.0.0 with MozPlugger 1.5.1, which depends to mplayer. When I open a file, this plugin works fine, but zm streaming doesn't work.

In my zmwatch.log there is 2 lines, I think this is the problem.
Can't get shared memory id '2053971971': No such file or directory
Can't get shared memory id '2053971970': No such file or directory

Can anybody help me?

P.S.: Sorry for my bad english!