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Problems setting up a local source camera

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:55 pm
by l8nite4me

I have found a BT878(Hauppauge (bt878)) card laying around the office and a couple of cameras and attempting to get them to work. I am only attempting to add 1 at the moment.

I have successfully ran xawtv retrieved images and dumped the setting using zm -d 0 -q -v. I will paste the output below. When I add the monitor in my console using the above settings my camera turns red and does not capture or show images. I have three network cameras functioning perfectlly so this must be something stupid that I am missing.

I am using /dev/video0 and channel 1, NTSC, grey, and 320x240 as my current settings.

Any help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Output from zm -d 0 -q -v:

Video Capabilities
Name: BT878(Hauppauge (bt878))
Type: 235
Can capture
Can tune
Overlay onto frame buffer
Can clip
Uses the frame buffer memory
Video Channels: 4
Audio Channels: 1
Maximum Width: 768
Maximum Height: 480
Minimum Width: 48
Minimum Height: 32
Window Attributes
X Offset: 5
Y Offset: 22
Width: 384
Height: 288
Picture Atributes
Palette: 5 - 32bit RGB
Colour Depth: 32
Brightness: 32853
Hue: 28656
Colour :32512
Contrast: 38526
Whiteness: 0
Channel 0 Attributes
Name: Television
Channel: 0
Flags: 3
Channel has a tuner
Channel has audio
Type: 1 - TV
Format: 1 - NTSC
Channel 1 Attributes
Name: Composite1
Channel: 1
Flags: 2
Channel has audio
Type: 2 - Camera
Format: 1 - NTSC
Channel 2 Attributes
Name: S-Video
Channel: 2
Flags: 2
Channel has audio
Type: 2 - Camera
Format: 1 - NTSC
Channel 3 Attributes
Name: Composite3
Channel: 3
Flags: 2
Channel has audio
Type: 2 - Camera
Format: 1 - NTSC

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:21 pm
by zoneminder
Looking in /var/log/messages will normally reveal the source of the problem. Check for 'ERR' in there but i would hazard a guess at either needing to uncheck STRICT_VIDEO_CONFIG or needing to increase shared memory resources.


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:17 pm
by l8nite4me

You are good. Unchecked the setting and everything is running great. I will check the error logs and see if anything is amiss.
