Slackware9.1 + Zoneminder 1.19.4 problems
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:08 pm
Hi guys, I've followed the slackware installation documentation available from the Documentation part of the site and successfully installed and configured zoneminder, only when it comes to starting the package I run the command
# /usr/local/bin/ start
visit my zoneminder site via http://hostname/zm/
and there are a number of problems
Firstly I set my camera up via the "Add New Monitor" button and all seems well, the camera is added to the list, however when I go to view it via the "Name" link I am presented with a popup window and instead of being able to see the video feed, I am presented with a broken image (image representing non existant image, (red cross in i.e.)). The video feed only starts when I explicitly run:
/usr/local/bin/zmc -d0
Is there a fix for this?
Secondly, the title at the top of the main page reads
"ZoneMinder Console - Stopped - v1.19.4"
when I click the "Stopped" link the Run State popup appears, and when I attempt to change the drop down to start the action appears to time out and nothing happens.
Does anyone have any advice/solutions for this?
Many thanks,
from the command line
# /usr/local/bin/ start
visit my zoneminder site via http://hostname/zm/
and there are a number of problems
Firstly I set my camera up via the "Add New Monitor" button and all seems well, the camera is added to the list, however when I go to view it via the "Name" link I am presented with a popup window and instead of being able to see the video feed, I am presented with a broken image (image representing non existant image, (red cross in i.e.)). The video feed only starts when I explicitly run:
/usr/local/bin/zmc -d0
Is there a fix for this?
Secondly, the title at the top of the main page reads
"ZoneMinder Console - Stopped - v1.19.4"
when I click the "Stopped" link the Run State popup appears, and when I attempt to change the drop down to start the action appears to time out and nothing happens.
Does anyone have any advice/solutions for this?
Many thanks,
from the command line