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Translation help needed

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:48 pm
by rdmelin
Please see the thread in the livecd 1.19.1 forum if you would like to help with multi language support for the livecd.

Best regards,

Portuguese - Brazil Translation

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:54 pm
by henriquejf
Dear mr. Ross,

Here you´ve got a reply 5 years later;

I would like to volunteer myself for pt-br translation, which would indirectly help non-brazilian portuguese speakers, i´m pretty sure of;

I am a fulltime IT manager on a private company, but i find time myself to act as an independent consultant and to help a bit whenever possible too;
I deploy and maintain ubuntu servers, do intermediate coding in php, have a basic knowledge of mysql and poor bash scripting; On the company I work fulltime, i am responsible for the e-commerce of costumized venetian blinds and window covering related products; The system I have developed there comprehends also a full ERP, CRM, and an integrated kanban system for visual control of the manufacturing processes; I was graduated in PET and CAE (preliminary and advanced) english by a University of Cambridge examination taken in my country, some years ago now...

I think i can handle the workload of translating the interface strings and basic readmes and indexes in my spare time with no problem; lets get it going !

Congratulations on your live cds and community work once again !
keep it up !