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can't get it running - permission denied

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:38 am
by combatwombat_nz
been scanning the posts here, but cannot see an answer to my dilemma. ZM Console runs, but devices are RED. Xawtv works fine.

/var/log/messages says:
zmc-d0: ERR [Failed to open video device /dev/video0: Permission denied].

My config:
Mandrake10 Official
Grandtec Xguard 9
on /dev/video0, permissions r_xr_xr_x root root

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:48 am
by seb
My system is FC1
Creative Webcam 3

[root@serveur](851)# ll video0
crw----rw- 1 root root 81, 0 Sep 15 2003 video0

Thanks for your reply

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:21 am
by combatwombat_nz
Thanks for your reply.
I am a noobie, but am finding my way into the light!
why do i get this:

[root@localhost dev]# ll video0
lr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 10 Aug 26 13:48 video0 -> v4l/video0

from console?

When I get this from Konqueror:

When viewing /dev, video0 has permissions:
rw----rw- root video v4l/video0

Now, excuse my ignorance, but that looks like it has two sets of permissions. One at console, one at Konqueror? Is that possible?
And what does the "l" mean in front of the permissions from console? :?:

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:44 pm
by seb
it seems /dev/video0 is a symlink pointing to /dev/v4l/video0

Under RH and FC, a symlink is always lrwxrwxrwx..

Try "chmod 777 /dev/video0" because /dev/v4l/video0 apparently has the right permissions

l stands for link under FC
d stand for directory/folder

eg :
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 4 19:04 rc6.d -> rc.d/rc6.d
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 320 Aug 26 00:13 rc.d

It seems Konqueror is showing the permissions of the symlinked (/dev/v4l/video0) file when you are clicking the symlink (/dev/video0)..

Good luck 8)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:24 pm
by davide
you may find the solution here: ... highlight=

I hope it helps

Thanks, going now

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:11 am
by combatwombat_nz
Thanks everyone for your help.

I tried the alteration to, but this didn't change anything. Even running zmfix from console didn't do it.

But thanks, Seb, you were right. chmod 777 /dev/video0 did the trick. I get that to run in a custom rc process, by modprobing bttv in the inittab, then again in the custom process (have to do it twice, or the next step complains cos' /dev/video0 hasn't been created yet) , then chmod 777 /dev/video0, then /usr/local/bin/ start. That way, whatever user is logged in, they can bring up the ZMConsole in a browser.

I also setup mgetty to answer the modem, and provide offsite surveillance.

Thanks for the software guys! It can be a bit of a pig to setup, probably more due to the OS customizations, but once running, it is cool!

Just as a user suggestion, have you thought about putting a front-end program together, ie instead of the browser use. I had a look at Palantir too, with it's handy front-end, but it only runs one channel at a time (at least that's all I could get from it).

:D :D :D :D