You don't have permission to access /zm/index.php...

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You don't have permission to access /zm/index.php...

Post by 00865060 »


Suse 9.1
Apache2, mysql, php are correctly installed (I can successfully start phpMyAdmin).

if I try to access:
then zm prompt for login and password. Neither admin-admin nor my mysql administrative and standard username&passwd work.

I can only show the first page by setting with 'no authentication' option, but all links from there suffer the same problem again.

I suppose my installation was OK, but any additional suggestions are welcome..:-)
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Post by conor »


Please use phpmyadmin to check:
1. That your zm database is there.
2. That the config table in the zm database is there and that it is populated.
3. The the database users that need to be created have been created.

Point 3 is where you are most likely to have a problem. You'll need to create the database user defined by ZM_DB_USERA in the zmconfig.txt file at least. This needs full permissions on the zm database. Note that to import the settings of a previously created zmconfig file and put data into the config table use the command line:

perl ./zmconfig -f zmconfig.txt -noi

where the name of the input file is zmconfig.txt in this case (the default) and -noi indicates not interactive.

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Post by zoneminder »

I would also check that the --web-user and --web-group you gave during configuration are actually what your httpd does run as.
