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Incontrol Quadcam hub with ZM?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:09 pm
by GG

I'm new here. :D

Been using Linux and FreeBSD for a long time now, it's really cool to see some decent security software for Linux.

At the moment I have a WindozeXP PC running Incontrol's Quadcam software. I've just about had enough of it, it is sooooo bad :x :(

I have orderd a 4 port PCI capture card, but my question is. Has anyone tried the Quadcam USB 4 camera HUB with Zone Minder?

I think that it may well work ok with one camera but what is the chances I could use all 4 ports? Anyone tried it?

Haven't had time yet to build a new system to run Zone Minder, but should be doing it very soon.

Just received a brand new copy of Suse 9.1 Pro, so will probably use this. I see a couple of people have some minor problems with Suse 9.1, but it shouldn't be a big issue from what I can see. Or can someone recommend a distro that runs better with ZM?

Sorry about all he Q's,


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:33 pm
by GG

Anyone? :(


Some comments

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:50 am
by ma77hias
I am currently running several ZM installations very succesfully on Fedora Core 2 systems (kernel 2.6.8 ). All needed libraries and tools very easily optainable (for example ffmpeg) since there are several repositories.
At the moment I can't recommend using Fedora Core 3 (kernel 2.6.9 ) since I am having various problems with it (not ZM relatted).

But have you tried running ZM on FreeBSD. Would be interested to know of any attempts you made

Re: Some comments

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:32 pm
by GG
ma77hias wrote: But have you tried running ZM on FreeBSD. Would be interested to know of any attempts you made
Not tried ZM on FreeBSD but as it uses V4Linux I can see it could be fiddly.

Was thinking of running it on Suse9.1 Pro as I have a new copy. Waiting for my 4port capture card and trying to find a PC to install it on.
