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black image when viewing remote camera
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:28 pm
by johnm
I am getting an all black image when trying to view a remote camera. I can verify the jpg is good because I can view it in a web browser, but ZM just shows it to me as all black. Could this be some problem with libjpeg not reading the image properly?
Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:04 pm
by zoneminder
Are you viewing in still or streaming mode? Do you get any errors in the system, ZM or apache log files?
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:02 pm
by johnm
I'm trying to view it in still mode.
The image capture works fine (using program called webcam to dump image to .jpg), I can view the pic if i point my browser at it.
There are no errors in any of the log files. As far as I can tell, ZM is reading this image as completely black =(
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:46 am
by zoneminder
Can you post some more details about the URL etc you are using. Have you tried using wget to retrieve the image, if so does that work?
Another thing to trt is to send a USR1 signal to the capturing zmc process. Use ps or top to find the process id of the zmc process and then just do 'kill -USR1 <pid>' to increase it's debug level by one. Check /var/log/messages to make sure it worked. You can send it repeated signals to increase debug level still further. Then perhaps post some extracts from the log if nothing obvious jumps out. You can use a USR2 signal to reduce debug levels afterwards.
Finally you could try changing the version of HTTP you are using from 1.1 to 1.0 . This is available in Options->Network.