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Image Buffer Size

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 2:26 pm
by chris
I try to increase the size of the Image Buffer Size (of the monitor) up to 200-300 frames but it seems to be impossible.
Have you set in your code a limitation for this parameter or it's only related with the memory size.

Thank you for your work and for your answer.


Re: Image Buffer Size

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 3:04 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Christophe,

There is no limitation on the size as such. What errors or problems are you seeing? Is it not creating the shared memory (which is limited by your available RAM and some kernel configuration) or just not saving the values you give it?



Re: Image Buffer Size

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 7:44 am
by chris
The problem I see is:
If I increase the size of buffer from 300 to 400 (with w/b video camera, image size 352x288), the zmc process didn't start. I think the amount of available RAM is ok and the kernel config is standard (pre-compiled kernel debian 2.4.21-4-k6).

From zmwatch.log file:
Watchdog starting at 03/10/03 09:20:24
Watchdog pausing for 30 seconds
Can't get shared memory id:
Can't get shared memory id:
Can't get shared memory id:
Can't get shared memory id:

It's not a big problem and I think it's effectively a kernel problem with shared memory, I'll try to solve it by my self if I found enough time.
