what file and which sections responsible for deleting files.

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what file and which sections responsible for deleting files.

Post by johnmiles79 »

I'd like to know is it zmaudit which is responsible for physically deletings files from teh events directory? If so where may I find the code that is related to removing the images and folders from the disk?

I'm trying to determine why my folders and images are not deleted when I set to delete them.
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Re: what file and which sections responsible for deleting fi

Post by zoneminder »

Hi John,

What deletes your files and directories depends on whether you have FAST_DELETES on (in the options page). If fast deletes are on then the ZM web interface only deletes the DB entries for speed and leaves zmaudit to do the rest. If fast deletes are off then the php code in the web pages themselves is responsible for this.

