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How long will events be stored?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:01 am
by cleaner416
Sorry for the newbie question, but I couldn't find a clear answer to this question elsewhere...

I have ZM 1.20 working on FC3 box with a little Logitech Quickcam (I used the Sourceforge drivers)

I have the camera set at 'modetect' but I would like to store only that last 30 days of events (or some other time limit) How do I do so?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:30 pm
by zoneminder
Events are stored forever unless you do otherwise. To remove them after 30 days you will need to create a filter that lists events over 30 days old. Then save it and check the 'delete' box. This will run automatically and remove those events continuously.


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:18 am
by cleaner416
Ok *I think* I have the right filters applied. Here are the steps I took:

I clicked on a cam using modect to bring up the cam window.
I clicked on 'All' to bring up the event list in a new window.
I click on 'ShowfilterWindow' and in the new window created a filter as follows:

Use 2 filter expressions
Archive status is equal to Unarchived only
and Date/Time is less than or equal to -1 week
Sort by Date/Time Asc Limit to first 20 only

Then I clicked on the Save link, which opened up another window.
I entered a new name of 'DeleteOlderThan1Week' and checked the box for 'Automatically delete all matches'

Then I click the save button. Then I closed this window.
Then in the Event Filter winodw I made sure 'DeleteOlderThan1Week' was selected from the drop down
Then I clicked Submit. The window disappeared and I am left with the Events list window. I close this.


So now I have set up a filter? Where can I see a list of the filters I have running? How do I know its working? When I retrace my steps, there is absolutely no indication I have a filter in place. In fact I went through the process 2 or 3 times - for all I know I have the smae filter runinng 3 times over. Do I have to wait a week? I dare say this filter thing could use a usability upgrade (maybe it has, I'm on 1.19)


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:21 am
by zoneminder
You can see what filters you have by looking at the dropdown displayed at the top of the filter window. Pick one and it will load it. If you click Save it will come up with the currently saved options.

You are probably right in that it might need a useability upgrade (and no it hasn't changed much since 1.19.x) but then so could lots of bits of the system I suspect and I only have limited time for functionality, useability and support! If you want simple and clear then shield your eyes from the Pan/Tilt/Zoom support in the next release! :)
