howto create mpeg only from alarmed pictures?

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howto create mpeg only from alarmed pictures?

Post by luke »


distro: FC3
ZM: 1.20.1

Can somebody help me with creating mpeg video only from alarmed pictures?
The reason is that, if I use the Mocord function it creates many same pictures (when in front of the camera is no activity) and than I can make mpeg video from it. But problem is when Mocord function records about 10.000 pictures and only 150 of them are alarmed. And then the video file is waste big and in case of 24 hour streaming and weekly archiving is need to have a big hdd storage.
So is it possible to make video only from these 150 alarmed pictures?

Thanks for any help.
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Post by zoneminder »

Currently that isn't possible but I can see why it might be useful so I'll consider how it might best be done. The complication of course is that you may have lots of episodes of motion in one mocord event and so the difficulty arise in trying to decide what to include in one mpeg and what to separate into other ones.
