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Danish Translation

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:38 pm
by voronwe
Heya Guys.

I finally got around to doing a Danish translation for ZM except to the options pages.

If we have any other danish ppl that uses ZM pls download it and post reply´s here.

Code: Select all

// ZoneMinder web UK English language file, $Date: 2004/12/28 18:20:11 $, $Revision: 1.30 $
// Copyright (C) 2003  Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

// ZoneMinder Danish Translation by Tom Stage

// Notes for Translators
// 0. Get some credit, put your name in the line above (optional)
// 1. When composing the language tokens in your language you should try and keep to roughly the
//   same length text if possible. Abbreviate where necessary as spacing is quite close in a number of places.
// 2. There are four types of string replacement
//   a) Simple replacements are words or short phrases that are static and used directly. This type of
//     replacement can be used 'as is'.
//   b) Complex replacements involve some dynamic element being included and so may require substitution
//     or changing into a different order. The token listed in this file will be passed through sprintf as
//     a formatting string. If the dynamic element is a number you will usually need to use a variable
//     replacement also as described below.
//   c) Variable replacements are used in conjunction with complex replacements and involve the generation
//     of a singular or plural noun depending on the number passed into the zmVlang function. See the 
//     the zmVlang section below for a further description of this.
//   d) Optional strings which can be used to replace the prompts and/or help text for the Options section
//     of the web interface. These are not listed below as they are quite large and held in the database
//     so that they can also be used by the script. However you can build up your own list
//     quite easily from the Config table in the database if necessary.
// 3. The tokens listed below are not used to build up phrases or sentences from single words. Therefore
//   you can safely assume that a single word token will only be used in that context.
// 4. In new language files, or if you are changing only a few words or phrases it makes sense from a 
//   maintenance point of view to include the original language file and override the old definitions rather
//   than copy all the language tokens across. To do this change the line below to whatever your base language
//   is and uncomment it.
// require_once( 'zm_lang_en_gb.php' );

// You may need to change the character set here, if your web server does not already
// do this by default, uncomment this if required.
// Example
// header( "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" );
header( "Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252" );

// You may need to change your locale here if your default one is incorrect for the
// language described in this file, or if you have multiple languages supported.
// If you do need to change your locale, be aware that the format of this function
// is subtlely different in versions of PHP before and after 4.3.0, see
// for details.
// Also be aware that changing the whole locale may affect some floating point or decimal 
// arithmetic in the database, if this is the case change only the individual locale areas
// that don't affect this rather than all at once. See the examples below.
// Finally, depending on your setup, PHP may not enjoy have multiple locales in a shared 
// threaded environment, if you get funny errors it may be this.
// Examples
// setlocale( 'LC_ALL', 'en_GB' ); All locale settings pre-4.3.0
// setlocale( LC_ALL, 'en_GB' ); All locale settings 4.3.0 and after
// setlocale( LC_CTYPE, 'en_GB' ); Character class settings 4.3.0 and after
// setlocale( LC_TIME, 'en_GB' ); Date and time formatting 4.3.0 and after

// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour          = '24 bit farver';
$zmSlang8BitGrey             = '8 bit greyscale';
$zmSlangActual               = 'Aktuel';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor        = 'Tilføj ny Monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewUser           = 'Tilføj NY Bruger';
$zmSlangAddNewZone           = 'Tilføj Ny Zone';
$zmSlangAlarm                = 'Alarm';
$zmSlangAlarmBrFrames        = 'Alarm<br/>Billeder';
$zmSlangAlarmFrame           = 'Alarm Billede';
$zmSlangAlarmFrameCount      = 'Alarm Billede Tæller';
$zmSlangAlarmLimits          = 'Alarm Begrændsing';
$zmSlangAlarmPx              = 'Alarm Px';
$zmSlangAlert                = 'Advarsel';
$zmSlangAll                  = 'Alle';
$zmSlangApply                = 'Aktiver';
$zmSlangApplyingStateChange  = 'Aktivere State Ændring';
$zmSlangArchArchived         = 'Kun Arkiverede';
$zmSlangArchive              = 'Arkiver';
$zmSlangArchUnarchived       = 'Kun Ikke Arkiverede';
$zmSlangAttrAlarmFrames      = 'Alarm Billeder';
$zmSlangAttrArchiveStatus    = 'Arkiverings Status';
$zmSlangAttrAvgScore         = 'Avg. Skore';
$zmSlangAttrCause            = 'Årsag';
$zmSlangAttrDate             = 'Dato';
$zmSlangAttrDateTime         = 'Dato/Tid';
$zmSlangAttrDiskBlocks       = 'Disk Blocks';
$zmSlangAttrDiskPercent      = 'Disk Procent';
$zmSlangAttrDuration         = 'Forløb';
$zmSlangAttrFrames           = 'Billeder';
$zmSlangAttrId               = 'Id';
$zmSlangAttrMaxScore         = 'Max. Skore';
$zmSlangAttrMonitorId        = 'Monitor Id';
$zmSlangAttrMonitorName      = 'Monitor Navn';
$zmSlangAttrName             = 'Navn';
$zmSlangAttrTime             = 'Tid';
$zmSlangAttrTotalScore       = 'Total Skore';
$zmSlangAttrWeekday          = 'Uge Dag';
$zmSlangAutoArchiveEvents    = 'Automatisk arkiver alle matchende';
$zmSlangAutoDeleteEvents     = 'Automatisk slet alle matchende';
$zmSlangAutoEmailEvents      = 'Automatisk email detalier af alle matchende';
$zmSlangAutoExecuteEvents    = 'Automatisk kør kommando på alle matchende';
$zmSlangAutoMessageEvents    = 'Send Automatisk detalier af alle matchende';
$zmSlangAutoUploadEvents     = 'Upload Automatisk alle matchende';
$zmSlangAvgBrScore           = 'Avg.<br/>Skore';
$zmSlangBadMonitorChars      = 'Monitor Navn må kun indeholde alphanumeriske karaktere plus hyphen og underscore';
$zmSlangBandwidth            = 'Båndbrede';
$zmSlangBlobPx               = 'Blob Px';
$zmSlangBlobs                = 'Blobs';
$zmSlangBlobSizes            = 'Blob Størelse';
$zmSlangBrightness           = 'Brightness';
$zmSlangBuffers              = 'Buffere';
$zmSlangCancel               = 'Fortryd';
$zmSlangCancelForcedAlarm    = 'Fortryd&nbsp;Forced&nbsp;Alarm';
$zmSlangCaptureHeight        = 'Capture Height';
$zmSlangCapturePalette       = 'Capture Palette';
$zmSlangCaptureWidth         = 'Capture Width';
$zmSlangCause                = 'Årsag';
$zmSlangCheckAll             = 'Marker Alle';
$zmSlangCheckMethod          = 'Alarm Check Methode';
$zmSlangChooseFilter         = 'Vælg Filter';
$zmSlangClose                = 'Luk';
$zmSlangColour               = 'Farve';
$zmSlangConfig               = 'Konfig';
$zmSlangConfiguredFor        = 'Konfigureret for';
$zmSlangConfirmPassword      = 'Verifiser Password';
$zmSlangConjAnd              = 'og';
$zmSlangConjOr               = 'eller';
$zmSlangConsole              = 'Konsol';
$zmSlangContactAdmin         = 'Kontakt Din adminstrator for detalier.';
$zmSlangContinue             = 'Fortsæt';
$zmSlangContrast             = 'Kontrast';
$zmSlangCycle                = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch           = 'Cycle Watch';
$zmSlangDay                  = 'Dag';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext        = 'Slet & Næste';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev        = 'Slet & Forrige';
$zmSlangDelete               = 'Slet';
$zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter    = 'Slet gemte filter';
$zmSlangDescription          = 'Beskrivelse';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel        = 'Enheds Kanal';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat         = 'Enheds Format (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber         = 'Enheds Nummer (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDimensions           = 'Dimentioner';
$zmSlangDisk                 = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDuration             = 'Forløb';
$zmSlangEdit                 = 'Edit';
$zmSlangEmail                = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnabled              = 'Aktiveret';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName   = 'Skriv nyt filter navn';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets        = 'Fejl, check at du har lige antal af Åbnings og Lukkende brackets';
$zmSlangError                = 'Fejl';
$zmSlangErrorValidValue      = 'Fejl, check at alle terms har en valid værdig';
$zmSlangEtc                  = 'etc';
$zmSlangEvent                = 'Event';
$zmSlangEventFilter          = 'Event Filter';
$zmSlangEventId              = 'Event Id';
$zmSlangEventName            = 'Event Navn';
$zmSlangEventPrefix          = 'Event Prefix';
$zmSlangEvents               = 'Events';
$zmSlangExclude              = 'Exclude';
$zmSlangFeed                 = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFilterPx             = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFirst                = 'Første';
$zmSlangForceAlarm           = 'Force&nbsp;Alarm';
$zmSlangFPS                  = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval    = 'FPS Report Interval';
$zmSlangFrame                = 'Billed';
$zmSlangFrameId              = 'Billed Id';
$zmSlangFrameRate            = 'Billed Hastighed';
$zmSlangFrames               = 'Billeder';
$zmSlangFrameSkip            = 'Billede Skip';
$zmSlangFTP                  = 'FTP';
$zmSlangFunc                 = 'Func';
$zmSlangFunction             = 'Funktion';
$zmSlangGenerateVideo        = 'Generer Video';
$zmSlangGeneratingVideo      = 'Generere Video';
$zmSlangGoToZoneMinder       = 'Gå til';
$zmSlangGrey                 = 'Grå';
$zmSlangGroups               = 'Gruppe';
$zmSlangHighBW               = 'Høj&nbsp;B/W';
$zmSlangHigh                 = 'Høj';
$zmSlangHour                 = 'Time';
$zmSlangHue                  = 'Hue';
$zmSlangId                   = 'Id';
$zmSlangIdle                 = 'Idle';
$zmSlangIgnore               = 'Ignorer';
$zmSlangImageBufferSize      = 'Billed Buffer Størelse (frames)';
$zmSlangImage                = 'Billed';
$zmSlangInclude              = 'Includer';
$zmSlangInverted             = 'Inverter';
$zmSlangLanguage             = 'Sprog';
$zmSlangLast                 = 'Sidste';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost     = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre      = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLoad                 = 'Load';
$zmSlangLocal                = 'Local';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs           = 'Logget Ind Som';
$zmSlangLoggingIn            = 'Logger Ind';
$zmSlangLogin                = 'Logind';
$zmSlangLogout               = 'Log Ud';
$zmSlangLowBW                = 'Lav&nbsp;B/W';
$zmSlangLow                  = 'Lav';
$zmSlangMark                 = 'Marker';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore           = 'Max.<br/>Skore';
$zmSlangMaximumFPS           = 'Maximum FPS';
$zmSlangMax                  = 'Max';
$zmSlangMediumBW             = 'Medium&nbsp;B/W';
$zmSlangMedium               = 'Medium';
$zmSlangMinAlarmGeMinBlob    = 'Minimum alarm pixels bør være støre end eller ligmed til minimum blob pixels';
$zmSlangMinAlarmGeMinFilter  = 'Minimum alarm pixels bør være støre end eller ligmed til minimum filter pixels';
$zmSlangMinAlarmPixelsLtMax  = 'Minimum alarm pixels bør være mindre end maximum alarm pixels';
$zmSlangMinBlobAreaLtMax     = 'Minimum blob område bør være mindre end maximum blob ømråde';
$zmSlangMinBlobsLtMax        = 'Minimum blobs bør være mindre end maximum blobs';
$zmSlangMinFilterPixelsLtMax = 'Minimum filter pixels bør være mindre end maximum filter pixels';
$zmSlangMinPixelThresLtMax   = 'Minimum pixel threshold bør være mindre end maximum pixel threshold';
$zmSlangMisc                 = 'Misc';
$zmSlangMonitorIds           = 'Monitor&nbsp;Ids';
$zmSlangMonitor              = 'Monitor';
$zmSlangMonitors             = 'Monitore';
$zmSlangMontage              = 'Montage';
$zmSlangMonth                = 'Måned';
$zmSlangMustBeGe             = 'skal være støre end eller ligmed';
$zmSlangMustBeLe             = 'must be less than or equal to';
$zmSlangMustConfirmPassword  = 'Du skal konfimere password';
$zmSlangMustSupplyPassword   = 'Du skal angive et password';
$zmSlangMustSupplyUsername   = 'Du skal opgive et username';
$zmSlangName                 = 'Navn';
$zmSlangNetwork              = 'Netværk';
$zmSlangNew                  = 'Ny';
$zmSlangNewGroup             = 'Ny Gruppe';
$zmSlangNewPassword          = 'Nyt Password';
$zmSlangNewState             = 'Ny State';
$zmSlangNewUser              = 'Ny User';
$zmSlangNext                 = 'Næste';
$zmSlangNoFramesRecorded     = 'Der er ingen frames optaget for denne event';
$zmSlangNoneAvailable        = 'Ingen Tilstede';
$zmSlangNone                 = 'Ingen';
$zmSlangNo                   = 'Nej';
$zmSlangNoGroups             = 'Ingen gruppe er defineret';
$zmSlangNormal               = 'Normal';
$zmSlangNoSavedFilters       = 'NoSavedFilters';
$zmSlangNoStatisticsRecorded = 'Der er ingen statestikker optaget for denne event/frame';
$zmSlangOpEq                 = 'ligmed';
$zmSlangOpGtEq               = 'støre end eller ligmed';
$zmSlangOpGt                 = 'støre end';
$zmSlangOpIn                 = 'i sættet';
$zmSlangOpLtEq               = 'mindre end eller ligmed';
$zmSlangOpLt                 = 'mindre end';
$zmSlangOpMatches            = 'matches';
$zmSlangOpNe                 = 'ikke ligmed';
$zmSlangOpNotIn              = 'ikke i sættet';
$zmSlangOpNotMatches         = 'does not match';
$zmSlangOptionHelp           = 'OptionHelp';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Disse ændringer træder ikke i fuld effect\nmens systemt køre. Når du har\nafsluttet ændringer bedes du\ngenstarte ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptions              = 'Indstillinger';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName       = 'eller skriv nyt navn';
$zmSlangOrientation          = 'Orientation';
$zmSlangOverwriteExisting    = 'Overskriv Eksisterende';
$zmSlangPaged                = 'Paged';
$zmSlangParameter            = 'Parameter';
$zmSlangPassword             = 'Password';
$zmSlangPasswordsDifferent   = 'Det nye og konfimerede passwords er forskellige';
$zmSlangPaths                = 'Stig';
$zmSlangPlayAll              = 'Afspil Alle';
$zmSlangPhone                = 'Telefon';
$zmSlangPhoneBW              = 'Telefon&nbsp;B/W';
$zmSlangPixels               = 'pixels';
$zmSlangPleaseWait           = 'Vent venligst';
$zmSlangPostEventImageBuffer = 'Post Event Billed Buffer';
$zmSlangPreEventImageBuffer  = 'Pre Event Billed Buffer';
$zmSlangPrev                 = 'Forige';
$zmSlangRate                 = 'Rate';
$zmSlangReal                 = 'Real';
$zmSlangRecord               = 'Optag';
$zmSlangRefImageBlendPct     = 'Reference Billed Blend %ge';
$zmSlangRefresh              = 'Opdater';
$zmSlangRemoteHostName       = 'Remote Host Navn';
$zmSlangRemoteHostPath       = 'Remote Host Stig';
$zmSlangRemoteHostPort       = 'Remote Host Port';
$zmSlangRemoteImageColours   = 'Remote Billed Farve';
$zmSlangRemote               = 'Remote';
$zmSlangRename               = 'Omdøb';
$zmSlangReplay               = 'Spil igen';
$zmSlangReset                = 'Reset';
$zmSlangResetEventCounts     = 'Reset Event Counts';
$zmSlangRestarting           = 'Genstarter';
$zmSlangRestart              = 'Genstart';
$zmSlangRestrictedCameraIds  = 'Restricted Camera Ids';
$zmSlangRotateLeft           = 'Rotate Left';
$zmSlangRotateRight          = 'Rotate Right';
$zmSlangRunMode              = 'Kørsels Metode';
$zmSlangRunning              = 'Køre';
$zmSlangRunState             = 'Run State';
$zmSlangSaveAs               = 'Gem som';
$zmSlangSaveFilter           = 'Gem Filter';
$zmSlangSave                 = 'Gem';
$zmSlangScale                = 'Scale';
$zmSlangScore                = 'Skore';
$zmSlangSecs                 = 'Sekunder';
$zmSlangSelect               = 'Vælg';
$zmSlangSectionlength        = 'Sektion længde';
$zmSlangSetLearnPrefs        = 'Set Learn Prefs'; // This can be ignored for now
$zmSlangSetNewBandwidth      = 'Set Ny Båndbrede';
$zmSlangSettings             = 'Indstillinger';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow     = 'HvisFilterVindue';
$zmSlangSortAsc              = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy               = 'Sort by';
$zmSlangSortDesc             = 'Desc';
$zmSlangSource               = 'Enhed';
$zmSlangSourceType           = 'Enheds Type';
$zmSlangStart                = 'Start';
$zmSlangState                = 'State';
$zmSlangStats                = 'Stats';
$zmSlangStatus               = 'Status';
$zmSlangStills               = 'Stills';
$zmSlangStopped              = 'Stopped';
$zmSlangStop                 = 'Stop';
$zmSlangStream               = 'Stream';
$zmSlangSubmit               = 'Submit';
$zmSlangSystem               = 'System';
$zmSlangThumbnail            = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTimeDelta            = 'Time Delta';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Tidsstempel Mærkning´s Format';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX      = 'Tidsstempel Mærkning X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY      = 'Tidsstempel Mærkning Y';
$zmSlangTimestamp            = 'Tidsstempel';
$zmSlangTimeStamp            = 'Tids Stæmpel';
$zmSlangTime                 = 'Tid';
$zmSlangToday                = 'I Dag';
$zmSlangTools                = 'Tools';
$zmSlangTotalBrScore         = 'Total<br/>Skore';
$zmSlangTriggers             = 'Triggers';
$zmSlangType                 = 'Type';
$zmSlangUnarchive            = 'Unarchive';
$zmSlangUnits                = 'Units';
$zmSlangUnknown              = 'Unknown';
$zmSlangUpdateAvailable      = 'En updatering til ZoneMinder er tilstede.';
$zmSlangUpdateNotNecessary   = 'Ingen updatering er nødvendig.';
$zmSlangUseFilterExprsPost   = '&nbsp;filter&nbsp;expressions'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
$zmSlangUseFilterExprsPre    = 'Brug&nbsp;'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
$zmSlangUseFilter            = 'Brug Filter';
$zmSlangUsername             = 'Bruger Navn';
$zmSlangUsers                = 'Brugere';
$zmSlangUser                 = 'Bruger';
$zmSlangValue                = 'Værdig';
$zmSlangVersionIgnore        = 'Ignorer denne version';
$zmSlangVersionRemindDay     = 'Påmind igen om 1 dag';
$zmSlangVersionRemindHour    = 'Påmind igen om 1 time';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever   = 'Mind ikke om nye versioner';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek    = 'Påmind igen om 1 uge';
$zmSlangVersion              = 'Version';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed       = 'Video Generering Fejlede!';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms        = 'Video Generaring Parametre';
$zmSlangVideoSize            = 'Video Størelse';
$zmSlangVideo                = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll              = 'Vis Alle';
$zmSlangViewPaged            = 'View Paged';
$zmSlangView                 = 'Vis';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames         = 'Varmop Billeder';
$zmSlangWatch                = 'Se';
$zmSlangWeb                  = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek                 = 'Uge';
$zmSlangX10ActivationString  = 'X10 Aktiverings Streng';
$zmSlangX10InputAlarmString  = 'X10 Input Alarm Streng';
$zmSlangX10OutputAlarmString = 'X10 Output Alarm Streng';
$zmSlangX10                  = 'X10';
$zmSlangYes                  = 'Ja';
//$zmSlangYouNoPerms           = 'You do not have permissions to access this resource.';
$zmSlangYouNoPerms           = 'Du har ikke adgang til denne enhed.';
$zmSlangZoneAlarmColour      = 'Alarm Farve (RGB)';
$zmSlangZoneFilterHeight     = 'Filter Højde (pixels)';
$zmSlangZoneFilterWidth      = 'Filter Brede (pixels)';
$zmSlangZoneMaxAlarmedArea   = 'Maximum Alarm Område';
$zmSlangZoneMaxBlobArea      = 'Maximum Blob Område';
$zmSlangZoneMaxBlobs         = 'Maximum Blobs';
$zmSlangZoneMaxFilteredArea  = 'Maximum Filtreret Område';
$zmSlangZoneMaxPixelThres    = 'Maximum Pixel Threshold (0>=?<=255)';
$zmSlangZoneMaxX             = 'Maximum X (right)';
$zmSlangZoneMaxY             = 'Maximum Y (bottom)';
$zmSlangZoneMinAlarmedArea   = 'Minimum Alarmed Område';
$zmSlangZoneMinBlobArea      = 'Minimum Blob Område';
$zmSlangZoneMinBlobs         = 'Minimum Blobs';
$zmSlangZoneMinFilteredArea  = 'Minimum Filtreret Område';
$zmSlangZoneMinPixelThres    = 'Minimum Pixel Threshold (0>=?<=255)';
$zmSlangZoneMinX             = 'Minimum X (left)';
$zmSlangZoneMinY             = 'Minimum Y (top)';
$zmSlangZones                = 'Zoner';
$zmSlangZone                 = 'Zone';

// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
$zmClangCurrentLogin         = 'Nuværende login er \'%1$s\'';
$zmClangEventCount           = '%1$s %2$s'; // For example '37 Events' (from Vlang below)
$zmClangLastEvents           = 'Sidste %1$s %2$s'; // For example 'Last 37 Events' (from Vlang below)
$zmClangLatestRelease        = 'Den Seneste version er v%1$s, du har v%2$s.';
$zmClangMonitorCount         = '%1$s %2$s'; // For example '4 Monitors' (from Vlang below)
$zmClangMonitorFunction      = 'Monitor %1$s Funktion';
$zmClangRunningRecentVer     = 'Du Køre med seneste version af ZoneMinder, v%s.';

// The next section allows you to describe a series of word ending and counts used to 
// generate the correctly conjugated forms of words depending on a count that is associated
// with that word.
// This intended to allow phrases such a '0 potatoes', '1 potato', '2 potatoes' etc to
// conjugate correctly with the associated count.
// In some languages such as English this is fairly simple and can be expressed by assigning
// a count with a singular or plural form of a word and then finding the nearest (lower) value.
// So '0' of something generally ends in 's', 1 of something is singular and has no extra
// ending and 2 or more is a plural and ends in 's' also. So to find the ending for '187' of
// something you would find the nearest lower count (2) and use that ending.
// So examples of this would be
// $zmVlangPotato = array( 0=>'Potatoes', 1=>'Potato', 2=>'Potatoes' );
// $zmVlangSheep = array( 0=>'Sheep' );
// where you can have as few or as many entries in the array as necessary
// If your language is similar in form to this then use the same format and choose the
// appropriate zmVlang function below.
// If however you have a language with a different format of plural endings then another
// approach is required . For instance in Russian the word endings change continuously
// depending on the last digit (or digits) of the numerator. In this case then zmVlang
// arrays could be written so that the array index just represents an arbitrary 'type'
// and the zmVlang function does the calculation about which version is appropriate.
// So an example in Russian might be (using English words, and made up endings as I
// don't know any Russian!!)
// $zmVlangPotato = array( 1=>'Potati', 2=>'Potaton', 3=>'Potaten' );
// and the zmVlang function decides that the first form is used for counts ending in
// 0, 5-9 or 11-19 and the second form when ending in 1 etc.

// Variable arrays expressing plurality, see the zmVlang description above
$zmVlangEvent                = array( 0=>'Events', 1=>'Event', 2=>'Events' );
$zmVlangMonitor              = array( 0=>'Monitors', 1=>'Monitor', 2=>'Monitors' );

// You will need to choose or write a function that can correlate the plurality string arrays
// with variable counts. This is used to conjugate the Vlang arrays above with a number passed
// in to generate the correct noun form.
// In languages such as English this is fairly simple 
// Note this still has to be used with printf etc to get the right formating
function zmVlang( $lang_var_array, $count )
	krsort( $lang_var_array );
	foreach ( $lang_var_array as $key=>$value )
		if ( abs($count) >= $key )
			return( $value );
	die( 'Error, unable to correlate variable language string' );

// This is an version that could be used in the Russian example above
// The rules are that the first word form is used if the count ends in
// 0, 5-9 or 11-19. The second form is used then the count ends in 1
// (not including 11 as above) and the third form is used when the 
// count ends in 2-4, again excluding any values ending in 12-14.
// function zmVlang( $lang_var_array, $count )
// {
// 	$secondlastdigit = substr( $count, -2, 1 );
// 	$lastdigit = substr( $count, -1, 1 );
// 	// or
// 	// $secondlastdigit = ($count/10)%10;
// 	// $lastdigit = $count%10;
// 	// Get rid of the special cases first, the teens
// 	if ( $secondlastdigit == 1 && $lastdigit != 0 )
// 	{
// 		return( $lang_var_array[1] );
// 	}
// 	switch ( $lastdigit )
// 	{
// 		case 0 :
// 		case 5 :
// 		case 6 :
// 		case 7 :
// 		case 8 :
// 		case 9 :
// 		{
// 			return( $lang_var_array[1] );
// 			break;
// 		}
// 		case 1 :
// 		{
// 			return( $lang_var_array[2] );
// 			break;
// 		}
// 		case 2 :
// 		case 3 :
// 		case 4 :
// 		{
// 			return( $lang_var_array[3] );
// 			break;
// 		}
// 	}
// 	die( 'Error, unable to correlate variable language string' );
// }

// This is an example of how the function is used in the code which you can uncomment and 
// use to test your custom function.
//$monitors = array();
//$monitors[] = 1; // Choose any number
//echo sprintf( $zmClangMonitorCount, count($monitors), zmVlang( $zmVlangMonitor, count($monitors) ) );

// In this section you can override the default prompt and help texts for the options area
// These overrides are in the form of $zmOlangPrompt<option> and $zmOlangHelp<option>
// where <option> represents the option name minus the initial ZM_
// So for example, to override the help text for ZM_LANG_DEFAULT do
//$zmOlangPromptLANG_DEFAULT = "This is a new prompt for this option";
//$zmOlangHelpLANG_DEFAULT = "This is some new help for this option which will be displayed in the popup window when the ? is clicked";

If u would rather just download the php page just get it from this link.

Any and all input for this are welcome.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:25 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Tom,

Thanks for this. I will include it in the next release but one. Version 1.21.0 is just about ready now so I'll do a point release just after for any language updates etc and include yours in that. That's the good news. The bad news is that there are a whole bunch of new tokens in v1.21.0 so there might be a bit more translation work to do on that one! For now I'll just include the new tokens as English as I do with all the other languages until they are translated.



Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:26 pm
by zoneminder
ps. I also moved this topic to the Translations forum. It doesn't get a lot of traffic and there are a few out of date translations that need updating so it might help if this forum gets a bit of attention.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 1:29 pm
by zoneminder

I tried downloading your language file but I get a 404 on your link. Has it been moved?


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:15 pm
by voronwe
Woops hehe i have been working all night on an script and forgot that i shouldent move that directory hehe sry it will be there shrotly.

And it is there again, it just goes to show that you shouldent work for 20 hours +, u will make some errors. :-)

Danish Translation

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:03 am
by voronwe
Heya Guys

I finnaly got around to do the updating of the danish language file for zm, it can be downloaded from the following link. :
And Phil ill email u a version this time to avoid errors this time. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:54 pm
by zoneminder
Thanks. I'll make sure this is included in the next version. I couldn't access your link by the way though which is my preferred method of getting hold of the file. Maybe you could rename it zm_lang_dk_dk.php.txt in case your server is trying to interpret the php.


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:19 pm
by voronwe
Hey all.

Within the next few days the links to the files i have contributed wil change address to the following. :

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:45 am
by zoneminder
Thanks to Tom the Danish translation will be included in 1.21.1 which will be out as soon as I can stop meddling with it and update the docs.


Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:53 am
by FAF
Well voronwe... Tom

This translation needs to be corrected. There are some mistakes in the translation, and in the gramma.

"størelse" -> "størrelse"
"Begrændsing" -> "Begrænsning"
"Båndbrede" -> "Båndbredde"
"statestikker" -> "statistikker"

and more.

Do you mind if I give it a try?

I will have to use ZM for a couple of days and test the different functions, maybe read the manual :) before actually making the corrections, even though I prefere to use the english one.

I dont have the latest ZM installed, just tried out the live-cd, so it could be difficult for me to test the result. I will see if I can build a new station with the latest code.

Are there any changes in the language file, compared from the posted danish translation and the latest ZM?


Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:05 am
by zoneminder
Just use the zm_lang_dk_dk.php that is included in ZM (though you should probably download and untar 1.21.3 to be sure you have the latest one, you don't need to install it).

You'll probably find there are a number of new tokens that have been added in recent releases that are still entirely in English so any help in translating those would be appreciated also.


Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:21 pm
by FAF
Thank you.

I will download the latest version and use the file from there.


Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:56 pm
by voronwe
Feel free to modify the Translation, the more accurate it is the better.

I had a feeling that there would be some gramma errors, it was hastely put together.