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Intermittant capture with 1.20.1/Axis205

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:58 am
by LeaAnthony
Hi. It seems that capturing images from Axis205 cameras seems a bit flaky. It sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Restarting firefox makes it work again for a bit, until it happens again. This is true on both windows and linux and true for different browsers too. I'm wondering if it's one of the following:

1. Memory leak in zm
2. Memory leak in browser
3. Shm too small (I have about 256M shared)

I have loads of disk space, so it's not that.
I did notice that the username/password was also a bit flaky at times.

Anyone else have these symptoms? It's just a bit annoying having to restart your browser to fix these little "hangs".

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:17 pm
by LeaAnthony
Doing the firefox changes seemed to fix it, although I don't know why this would affect other browsers.

ZM kicks arse! :twisted: