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New monitor for axis 2100 and logitech quickcam orbit
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:02 pm
by wherley
Can someone point me in the right directions for setting up monitors?
I just installed 1.21.0 on a new install of FC3.
I have zm running and can see console.
I am not sure about how to set up a montor for each of my cameras.
One is an Axis 2100.
The other is Logitech USB Quickcam Orbit.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:22 am
by cordel
Here are a couple of links to get ya going. ... =axis+2100 ... oc98568288
I haven't tried to set up a usb cam but if you search the forum you would probably find some info.
If you run into any problems, post the errors and a discription of the system here and we can help work them out.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:02 am
by ma77hias
Check your dmesg and you should find some lines like this
pwc Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000 USB webcam detected.
pwc Registered as /dev/video1.
For the setup in ZM select Source type Local
Device Number (/dev/video(X)) = X
Device Channel then usually = 0
Capture Palette (My QuickCam uses YUV420P) but try if it works with RGB24
Capture Width / Capture Height start out with something like 320x240
You can also use the zmu script to give you an idea of the settings to use
Small Hint!
If you're running 2 Cams and want to use them both at 640X480 don't forget to increase your shared memory in sysctl.conf
# The default shared memory limit
kernel.shmall =
kernel.shmmax =