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mobile phone access is always redirected to login screen

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:17 pm
by teddy
I am trying to access via a mobile phone. I installed wurfl, following the instructions in the readme for Zoneminder (I had to edit the wurfl_classes.php file to point to my "DATA" directory, which was not documented in the readme).

From my phone, I get the login screen. I log in and I get a scaled down console page (intended for mobile phones). There are links to monitors and events. No matter what link I choose, I get sent back to the log in page. I can log in and repeat the cycle. But I cannot actually do anything.

I think this is a cookie issue. I do not want to disable authenticated logins just to have cell phone access. Any ideas??

I am running Zoneminder version 1.21.0 if that helps.

The problem was cookies

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:53 pm
by teddy
I got this problem fixed. As the Zoneminder readme stated, using cookies on cell phones is very buggy, so they have been turned off. I turned them back on. I had to edit the zm.php file. It was pretty simple. There are a bunch of settings that say "cookies = false;". I changed them to say "cookies = true;". Now I can log in with my mobile phone.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 10:31 pm
by zoneminder
Can you let me know what model of phone you are using, and whether you were using the WURFL libraries or just ZM out of the box?



Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:30 pm
by teddy
The phone is an LG VX4500. I am in the USA, using Verizon Wireless. My web browser software version is When I go online, the screen says "openwave" and "RSA BSAFE Enabled".

I used the WURFL files. I followed the directions for that.

When I log into ZM, I can view still images of the cameras. I have to manually refresh the web page to update the image. My phone connects to the internet at 14.4 kbps, so it is pretty slow.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:48 pm
by zoneminder
Ok. Thanks for that. Only stills are currently supported on mobile phones. I'm working on 3GP video for 3G & GPRS phones but that might not be much use over a 14.4k link.


Nokia 6610 cannot see images

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 1:52 am
by RedB
Hi All - Love ZoneMinder!

On my Nokia 6610, I can get to the status page ( Status, Load, Monitor listing, Function & Events)

If I select a Monitor 'row' I get a screen with the Monitor Name, Function and Events numbers.

Selecting anything on this screen returns "File Format Not Known" and returns me to the first status page.

Anyone have any idea why I can't view an image?

Alough I think the 'cookie' settings listed on this forum were RE login, I have set them all as 'True' anyway - made no difference.



Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 1:28 pm
by RedB

First off I forgot to mention I am running of the latest LiveCD.

I installed the wurfl php and xml pages as described in the zoneminder doco. This broke more that it fixed! Was getting an error (in web browser) that wurfl couldn't find the data dir - Played around a bit with paths and fixed all that. BUT my mobile couldn't even get to the initial status page anymore.

Removed everything I had added and am back to square 1.

I tried loading the url into a WAP emulator
and it loaded the status page. Click a link and it says: 'ERROR: no valid wml page"

I would LOVE this feature to work!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 11:57 am
by zoneminder
I don't know that you can use a WAP emulator, especially if it can only accept wml pages, as the mobile interface is now xHTML rather than WML (which is deprecated in ZM). I don't know what the 6610 accepts but if you get past the initial pages then I assume it's ok with the xHTML itself, possibly it's barfing on the images themselves. Do you know if it accepts jpgs, or just gifs perhaps?


video streaming and mobile phones

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:18 pm
by dmit
I'm living in Latvia and using GSM service provided by "Latvijas Mobilais Telefons" company. Recently LMT announced new feature for those using their GPRS service: now it's possible to watch some latvian TV broadcast channels LIVE on multimedia-enabled mobile phones. They provide 4 different data streams:
- non-EDGE phones or phones with smaller screens - 128x96 (Sub QCIF) and 176x144 (QCIF), data flow rate 30 kbit/sec;
- EDGE-capable phones - 128x96 and 176x144, 65 kbit/sec.

The short list of moblie phones supporting this TV broadcast service includes:
Nokia 3230 GPRS/EDGE
SonyEricsson Z1010 GPRS/UMTS
Samsung SGH-Z130 GPRS/UMTS

I have personally tried to watch the TV on my NOKIA 6230 phone and found the video and audio quality quite acceptable and surprisingly fast.

So why not to use the same technology to watch our camera feeds with ZM?

Unfortunately, LMT does not explain too much of technology and standarts they use. The manual just says:
"You can use the service if your mobile phone supports multimedia features. Multimedia transfer principles are widely distributed in Internet and are adopted for GSM/UMTS networks. The main difference is that the contents is not stored into the phone but is played on the mobile at once.
The service is available for anyone using GPRS and multimedia capable phones...
...You should also mention that GPRS access point name for TV broadcasts is different:"

In fact that's all. I suppose that different GPRS AP is needed becouse their pricing policy for TV differs from usual GPRS data (they count on time not on traffic).

When I open the stream in my mobile phone the URL is:

If anyone has an idea on how can I get out more technical data about it - tell me and I'll try.

At least it represents that LIVE camera watching is really possible on quite a number of widely distributed mobile phones.

some additional info

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:34 pm
by dmit
while googling for RTSP and sdp two very interesting links found:
and ... tions.html

The last one shows some open source implementations, including Linux.

So would anyone donate an idea on how to implement it in ZM? Phil?...

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:57 am
by SifuDean

The S/W being used for this TV streaming service is most probably from Packet Video in the USA. They are a Alcatel oned company and the Server S/W they have created is in two parts.

The first part is the encoding server and the second is the streaming server.

The S/W is expensive and it is very tricky to configure and make work. The last update that I saw actually caused the streaming to drop in performance by half.

I would love to see a Open Source solution for this so we could stream 3GPP video etc to mobiles without reliance on the PV's of the world as they just don't respond to issues fast enough.



not so bad at all! :)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:21 pm
by dmit
I've found the following Open Source project (originally founded by CISCO):

It looks like a complete solution to encode the video source on the fly and then feeding it to DARWIN Open Source streaming server by Apple.

The package is HUGE with options and features but I know too little about video streameng and video formats to do anything usefull with that thing.

Would anyone take look on it?..

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:33 pm
by dmit
There is one more Open Source streaming server with 3gp streaming support: ... atform.htm

Is there a way to use it with ZM to watch the cameras from mobile phone?

In short

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:15 pm
by Baylink
each carrier and each model of phone probably does this an entirely different way, and it's a revenue source for the carriers; they are *not* going to go out of their way to make it easy for us, unless we're giving them hundreds of thousands of dollars -- hell; some phone browsers won't even display pictures unless they have the carrier's seal of approval -- Nextel is like that.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:11 am
by SifuDean
Hi Dmit,

Quick question - Is the link you supplied correct? I am finding that there is no response from the server.



dmit wrote:There is one more Open Source streaming server with 3gp streaming support: ... atform.htm

Is there a way to use it with ZM to watch the cameras from mobile phone?