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Email via SMTP patch

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:42 am
by rdmelin
The subject needs a little explaining.
In response to a users frustration with getting email working, I did some testing. I had it working some time back, but don't use it regularly. I was concerned to find that I could not send notification emails from ZM either using sendmail (postfix in my case) or SMTP.
Local delivery worked fine, but anything sent via my ISP's mailserver disappeared into the ether.
To make a long story short, since a software upgrade my ISP's mail server no longer forwards mail with a Return-Path: <apache@zm.local.domain>

There may be some way to convince postfix to rewrite the Return-Path header, but I spent several frustrating hours and couldn't find it. Neither could I convince the MIME::Entity perl module to set the Return-Path header to the same address as the From: email address.

I don't believe the average user on my ISP network could get email working from ZM. This will most likely be true of more users elsewhere as other ISP's update their servers.

My solution was to rewrite sub sendEmail and sub sendMessage to use the MIME::Lite and Net::SMTP perl modules instead of MIME::Entity.

Here is a patch for that impliments this solution.

Code: Select all

---       2005-02-24 06:39:58.000000000 -0800
+++  2005-04-09 22:04:37.913023309 -0700
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@
 my $email_body;
 if ( ZM_OPT_EMAIL )
-       use MIME::Entity;
+       use MIME::Lite;
+       use Net::SMTP;

        ( $email_subject, $email_body ) = ZM_EMAIL_TEXT =~ /subject\s*=\s*"([^\n]*)".*body\s*=\s*"(.*)"/ms;
@@ -108,7 +109,8 @@
 my $message_body;
-       use MIME::Entity;
+       use MIME::Lite;
+       use Net::SMTP;

        ( $message_subject, $message_body ) = ZM_MESSAGE_TEXT =~ /subject\s*=\s*"([^\n]*)".*body\s*=\s*"(.*)"/ms;
@@ -725,30 +727,39 @@

-               my $mail = MIME::Entity->build(
+               ### Create the multipart container
+               my $mail = MIME::Lite->new (
                        From =>ZM_FROM_EMAIL,
-                       To=>ZM_EMAIL_ADDRESS,
-                       Subject=>$subject,
-                       Type=>(($body=~/<html>/)?'text/html':'text/plain'),
-                       Data=>$body
-               );
+                       To =>ZM_EMAIL_ADDRESS,
+                       Subject => $subject,
+                       Type =>'multipart/mixed'
+                       );
+               ### Add the text message part
+               $mail->attach (
+                       Type => 'TEXT',
+                       Data => $body
+                       );
+               ### Add the attachments
                foreach my $attachment ( @attachments )
                        print( "Attaching '$attachment->{path}\n" );
-                               Encoding=>"base64"
+                               Disposition => 'attachment'
-               }
-               $mail->smtpsend();
+               }
+                ### Send the Message
+               MIME::Lite->send('smtp', ZM_EMAIL_HOST, Timeout=>60);
+               $mail->send;
        if ( $@ )
                warn( "Can't send email: $@" );
+       } else
+       {
+               print( "Notificaton email sent \n" );
        my $sql = "update Events set Emailed = 1 where Id = ?";
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or die( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
@@ -782,30 +793,39 @@

-               my $mail = MIME::Entity->build(
+               # Create the multipart container
+               my $mail = MIME::Lite->new (
                        From =>ZM_FROM_EMAIL,
-                       To=>ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS,
-                       Subject=>$subject,
-                       Type=>(($body=~/<html>/)?'text/html':'text/plain'),
-                       Data=>$body
-               );
+                       To =>ZM_EMAIL_ADDRESS,
+                       Subject => $subject,
+                       Type =>'multipart/mixed'
+                       );
+               # Add the text message part
+               $mail->attach (
+                       Type => 'TEXT',
+                       Data => $body
+                       );
+               # Add the attachments
                foreach my $attachment ( @attachments )
                        print( "Attaching '$attachment->{path}\n" );
-                               Encoding=>"base64"
+                               Disposition => 'attachment'
-               }
-               $mail->smtpsend();
+               }
+               # Send the Message
+               MIME::Lite->send('smtp', ZM_EMAIL_HOST, Timeout=>60);
+               $mail->send;
        if ( $@ )
-               warn( "Can't send email: $@" );
+               warn( "Can't send message: $@" );
+       } else
+       {
+               print( "Notificaton message sent \n" );
        my $sql = "update Events set Messaged = 1 where Id = ?";
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or die( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:53 am
by zoneminder
Thanks Ross. I'll see if I can incorporate this as an option so people can choose which method to use.
