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shared memory, socket, or general startup errors

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:33 pm
by teddy
I installed ZM to FC3 for the first time and thought FC3 was causing a problem that made it so ZM could not connect to a socket.

The socket is the file /tmp/zmdc.sock

With no connection to the socket, ZM could not startup.

Since ZM did not startup, shared memory failed to initialize.

So what was the problem???

the owner of the /tmp/zmdc.sock file was root.

I deleted the /tmp/zmdc.sock file.

Then I was able to startup ZM. ZM created a new /tmp/zmdc.sock file as user apache. Now, finally, everything works.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 10:33 am
by bschelst

The sock file must always be readable/writeable by the webserver user.
It is strange that it was owned by root. You probably made a mistake during the configuration of the zoneminder. (apache user/apache group)
