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Couple of bugs

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:54 pm
by Ruler
I'm running SlackWare 10.1 with ZoneMinder 1.21.0 and have discovered a couple of bugs.

1. I set up a user that could only view events. While he was reviewing footage, I was looking through the same time range. One event disappeared from the database during this time - I was able to copy it out of the directory before it was deleted. All of the events in this time range were set to archive and the PurgeWhenFull filter is set to delete only unarchived events.

2. When you're viewing a list of events and use the Prev and Next links to move to different events, both take you to the previous one.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:56 pm
by zoneminder
I think (1) has been reported elsewhere and I'm still trying to figure out why it happens (you may see an entry in indicating that it was deleted from the DB). (2) I've not heard of before, can you give any more details of how you got it to happen?


Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:15 pm
by Ruler
Apologies for re-reporting it; I didn't know that you already knew about it. It seemed very strange to me, which is why I posted on it.

Certainly I can provide details. Here ya go Phil:

I have a set of events archived over several monitors. When I click on the total number of archived events in the console, a list of them are brought up. I click on an event name or number, which brings up a video of the event. When I click on Prev, it takes me to a different event - one away from the one I was viewing in the list. When I click on Next from that one, you'd expect it'd take you back to the one I first clicked on, but instead it advances one more in the list. For example if the event list looks like -

Code: Select all

I clicked on 125, which brought up the event. I click Next and event 126 is displayed. Clicking Prev here should display 125 again, but instead displays 127.

If I click on 125, then click Prev, 126 is displayed. It's like the links are the same. This is not evident in 1.19.5, but is in 1.21.0.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:04 pm
by Ruler
Something else similar I've noticed is that if you unarchive an event that's displayed, the bottom row of links disappear, making you close the window in order to return to the list of events and click on another event instead of just clicking next or prev.