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Suse 9.3 log error/ zoneminder not working?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:52 am
by maarten
Hi all,

after installing latest zm last sunday.

I get in /var/log/messages this;
May 11 10:24:25 sus93 zmc_m1[10453]: INF [Debug Level = 0, Debug Log = <none>]
May 11 10:24:25 sus93 zmc_m1[10453]: INF [Starting Capture]
May 11 10:24:25 sus93 zmc_m1[10453]: FAT [You must have libpcre.a installed to use remote cameras]
May 11 10:24:25 sus93 zma_m1[10406]: WAR [Waiting for capture daemon]
May 11 10:24:26 sus93 zma_m1[10406]: WAR [Waiting for capture daemon]
May 11 10:24:27 sus93 zma_m1[10406]: WAR [Waiting for capture daemon]
May 11 10:24:28 sus93 zma_m1[10406]: WAR [Waiting for capture daemon]
May 11 10:24:29 sus93 zma_m1[10406]: WAR [Waiting for capture daemon]
May 11 10:24:30 sus93 zma_m1[10406]: WAR [Waiting for capture daemon]

pcre libraries installed...
What to do?

Kind regards,
Maarten :cry:

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 8:31 am
by zoneminder
What was the output when you ran 'configure'. It sounds like it didn't find the pcre libraries. Where is pcre.h and libpcre.a on your system?

Version 1.21.1 will remove the dependency on these libraries by the way.
