WMP problems with ZM but not with ffserver/ffmpeg

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WMP problems with ZM but not with ffserver/ffmpeg

Post by loop »

We experience following strange things in WMP when we stream LIVE mpeg4 from ZM, and which doesn't appear when we stream mpeg4 from ffserver/ffmpeg:

1) Delay at the stream start with ZM is 10-20 seconds, with ffserver only 2 seconds !

2) WMP buffering from ZM shows: 10%, 30%, 60%, 80%, 5%, 30%,70%,90%,100% and it start playing. Buffering from ffserver goes fast and comes to 100% without falling down.

It looks like the stream which ZM generates has some irregularities so that WMP sometimes discards the buffered information and starts buffering from the beginning.

Is there a way to add options to ffmpeg/libav for LIVE streaming generation ?

I'm sure that the delay could be very short, if it's possible with ffserver I don't see why it couldn't be also with ZM.

In ffserver documentation there are also some tips which speed up the streaming (I've tested them and they work): http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/ffserver-doc.html#SEC13

The configuration which I have:
ZM: Redhat 9 and SUSE 9, ffmpeg 0.4.8, ZM latest
PCs: WMP 10, 9... LAN/WAN connection, tested them all.
Video: cif, 5fps
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Post by zoneminder »

Thanks for the information. I'll try and see if I can enhance this somewhat. The ffmpeg libraries are a bit of a minefield as nothing is really documented apart from a couple of examples and a lot of it assumes intimate knowledge of streaming formats, which I don't have :?
